Looking for advice on my first cyce


New member
I'm looking for any information people can give me regarding my first cycle. Right now I weigh 192 and I'm sitting at 15-18% body fat. I started my first cycle of test C on saturday and have scheduled 1 doses a week at 1cc for the first 8 weeks and then tapering off in the last 4 weeks completing a 12 weeks cycle. I'm lifting 4-5 days a week and my workout are geared toward speed. I time my rest to be 1min to 1 1/2m with all exercises. I'm happy with my lift regime but I'm looking for advice on diet particularly. If anyone can give me tips in this area (more than just eat 1g per lb) as well as any pointers I'd appreciate it.
If your test c is the standard 200mg/ml or cc you are shutting your HPTA down for nothing it's a waste.

Please give us some more info and read the link Mega provided
I was wrong. I'm taking test E and it is 250mg and i'm doing 1cc pinning twice a week. I'm 25yo and i don't have PCT plans as of yet. Like I said I've never done this before and I may have jumped into this prematurely. I have two friends who have done multiple cycles and have been slowly trying to convince me to do it for years. They didn't advise me to get bloodwork done before doing this so I'm worried I missed the boat in establishing a baseline to use. If I got bloodwork done immediately would it be largely skewed due to taking 2 pins already? I'm looking for all advice I can possibly get. I read the OP from megatron but didn't go through the PCT section yet. I do not want to fuck up my HPTA and didn't do my homework before this but I'm trying to educate myself in all of this as soon as possible. Do you have any suggestions for how I should cycle Test E over 12wks? What kind of diet do I need to follow to avoid bloating or water retention? Lastly, when cycling off and the planning PCT does anyone who has done it before have suggestions?
Also, is it safe to be taking a preworkout or anything additional on top of the test E like BCAA's or creatine? I want to keep the risk of harm to my body as minimal as possible.
I was wrong. I'm taking test E and it is 250mg and i'm doing 1cc pinning twice a week. I'm 25yo and i don't have PCT plans as of yet. Like I said I've never done this before and I may have jumped into this prematurely. I have two friends who have done multiple cycles and have been slowly trying to convince me to do it for years. They didn't advise me to get bloodwork done before doing this so I'm worried I missed the boat in establishing a baseline to use. If I got bloodwork done immediately would it be largely skewed due to taking 2 pins already? I'm looking for all advice I can possibly get. I read the OP from megatron but didn't go through the PCT section yet. I do not want to fuck up my HPTA and didn't do my homework before this but I'm trying to educate myself in all of this as soon as possible. Do you have any suggestions for how I should cycle Test E over 12wks? What kind of diet do I need to follow to avoid bloating or water retention? Lastly, when cycling off and the planning PCT does anyone who has done it before have suggestions?

You missed the boat. You will never ever get that chance again to see what your Natty baseline was. Nice friends you have there.

So are you taking 250mg or 500mg per week?

Are you using or do you have an aromatase inhibitor? If so, which one? How much per week?

Stay up all night and read that link I gave you. You need to understand it. You junperninto the deep water. Now you have to learn how to swim. Make sure you understand how to get your HPTA working again by using Clomid and Nolva for PCT.

How much hCG are you using per week? Your friends told you about hCG to avoid testicular atrophy, right?

What mid-cycle blood work will you be running?
I am not using nor do I have AI. Should I? I was told that I didn't need it by my two friends and no they didn't tell me about hCG. I came to forums because while I do think they used this stuff before and know a little I'm the type that believe knowledge is power and I want to learn as much as I can. Do you have any suggestions on brand, where to get it, and dosage? I read a lot more about Nolva and Clomid. To be safe I'll plan on running both. I'll need to review a lot more "first cycle" blogs before I know what doses to take and how to do it safe and effectively.

I read everything that I need to have bloodwork done for but I wouldn't even know how to read it or what to compare it to sicne I didn't get anything before starting. Do you have any advice here?

Thanks for your help Mega it is much appreciated.
Did you read the link in post #2 read the whole thing and all of its links.if you did you would know you need and AI.

Its all in there.
Also, is it safe to be taking a preworkout or anything additional on top of the test E like BCAA's or creatine? I want to keep the risk of harm to my body as minimal as possible.

You are already taking test e (steroid) and you are asking if you can take BCAA or creatine (supplements)?

You are already playing with your hormones my friend.

Read the sticky above. You should better start educating yourself because your "friends " did not gave you good advices.
I am not using nor do I have AI. Should I? I was told that I didn't need it by my two friends and no they didn't tell me about hCG. I came to forums because while I do think they used this stuff before and know a little I'm the type that believe knowledge is power and I want to learn as much as I can. Do you have any suggestions on brand, where to get it, and dosage? I read a lot more about Nolva and Clomid. To be safe I'll plan on running both. I'll need to review a lot more "first cycle" blogs before I know what doses to take and how to do it safe and effectively.

I read everything that I need to have bloodwork done for but I wouldn't even know how to read it or what to compare it to sicne I didn't get anything before starting. Do you have any advice here?

Thanks for your help Mega it is much appreciated.

How many mg of test are you taking per week?

Yes, you need an AI. Dosage depends on how much test you are taking.

Post your blood work here and we can help you read it.

You need hCG. 250iu twice per week.

It's only been a week and a half and I'm getting some bloating in my stomach. Or at least the feeling of bloating. Is it my diet or the test?
It happens after I lift. Then a few hours later it's relatively normal. AI will help this? What dosage do I need if I'm taking 500mg test E a week
A month into my first cycle. It's been a roller coaster. I got sick (allergies or something) in the middle of my cycle. Worked out through it. Better now. So far so good and I'm really seeing strength gains. I've done more homework and read a ton of articles over the past month. My question is about diet. Right now I'm running approx 250-300g protein a day, 70g good fats, and 50-100g carbs depending on my workout. Breakfast is 4 scrambled eggs. Lunch 3x 4oz pc chicken. Dinner 3x 4oz pc chicken. 1-2 scoops muscle milk per day in between meals. Yams/fruits for carbs. I'm wondering if I'm doing myself a disservice having such a low level of carbs while on while on cycle. I don't want to waste the test e but I'm also not looking to get enormous. Right now I weigh in at 205lb. I'm probably down to 12-14% body fat (mostly noticeable in the lower abs and butt areas). I really want to get my abs to show this year. I hit them 3-4 times a week. I'm just now implementing 30mins of cardio a day into my routine. Going between biking for steady state cardio and sprint workouts that are about 20mins each. Should I be eating more carbs to put on more muscle and increase my metabolism to burn the fat around my midsection or continue to stick to my current diet. I do make sure that 1 day a week I have a big carb day. Approx 200g but normally not much higher. Any diet advice if my goals are to stay around 205-210 through my cycle and cut to 195 post cycle to get that really lean shredded look? Any supplements you suggest to get rid of the stubborn fat around the lower abdomen area? Thanks in advance for the advice.
I'm going to leave the gigantic gaping holes in your cycle be as I'm sure others will want to remind you of the advice you've already been given.

I'm just going to answer your question: There isn't a supplement/drug/injection/pill/voodoo curse that can spot reduce the fat in your abdomen. The closest REAL thing is still in testing by the FDA, but that's light years away as it's only approved for the face.

Diet and training are what will do this. You seriously jumped the gun way too soon by manipulating hormones when you still don't understand that working abs doesn't give you them. It's ALL about body fat; literally every person you meet has six-pack abs, it's just the pesky matter of that fat lying on top of them that prevents everyone from showing them off.

I advise you start reading really hard in the diet forum and post your diet in 3J's diet critique thread to see what he thinks. FYI: "Getting too big" is one of the most ridiculous things anyone can say as it takes a lot of ducks to be lined up in a row to achieve that.

Not trying to be mean, but this is stuff you should have learned LONG before sticking a needle in your body.

My .02c :)
I'm not retarded. I understand that fat cannot be reduced at a singular point. I'm not looking for the quick way to reducing it. I've provided my macro levels for p/c/f as well as my weight and bodyfat%. I'm below my BMR daily and continuing to lose fat on my entire body as a whole. It is a gradual process and I'm in no rush. My question was more towards how to diet to get the most out of the gear. I'm looking to optimize the effect. The only thing I am taking is Test E. I'm not stacking it with anything. I know people will tell me that I should be on an AI as well. I am not. I know some people take one and some don't. I'm choosing not to primarily because I wasn't advised to get one at the beginning of doing this and don't have one.

You are not wrong that I did jump into this quickly and people continue to throw this in my face. I can't possibly be the first person to do it this way and I'm sure I won't be the last. We're not all scientists. Thank you for your response and I'll move over there.
I'm not retarded. I understand that fat cannot be reduced at a singular point. I'm not looking for the quick way to reducing it. I've provided my macro levels for p/c/f as well as my weight and bodyfat%. I'm below my BMR daily and continuing to lose fat on my entire body as a whole. It is a gradual process and I'm in no rush. My question was more towards how to diet to get the most out of the gear. I'm looking to optimize the effect. The only thing I am taking is Test E. I'm not stacking it with anything. I know people will tell me that I should be on an AI as well. I am not. I know some people take one and some don't. I'm choosing not to primarily because I wasn't advised to get one at the beginning of doing this and don't have one.

You are not wrong that I did jump into this quickly and people continue to throw this in my face. I can't possibly be the first person to do it this way and I'm sure I won't be the last. We're not all scientists. Thank you for your response and I'll move over there.

I hope that others thinking about jumping on AAS see your thread and it makes them think twice about doing so in a similar fashion. I'm not specifically picking on you, but you did ask about supplements that would aid fat loss in that specific area - hence my reply. I don't think you're retarded, just very uninformed.

You need to get a blood test (they're around 50 bucks online - see Megatron28's signature) to KNOW whether you need an AI or not. The vast majority of folks that swear an AI isn't needed likely never do this, and as such are taking unnecessary risks; like say, prostate cancer - which has been directly linked to elevated estradiol.

You're doing the right thing by asking for advice here, but you need to actually follow it too. I wasn't going to touch on it, but have you read the stickies yet? Have you planned out your PCT, and have the SERMs on hand? It's just as (if not more so) important to have this part of your cycle laid out and ready as we're talking about helping your body return to its natural state.

TDEE, not BMR is what you take your caloric deficit from by the way. As BMR is the amount of calories you burn in a completely inactive state, you're likely in too high of a deficit - risking catabolism of your lean mass. I would reevaluate your numbers based on your TDEE and adjust accordingly.

Please don't take my directness as a sign of disrespect, I just want to make sure that you get the point. Definitely stick around, you'll eventually far surpass the knowledge that your friends possess and hopefully be able to guide them into doing this safely and responsibly.