Looking for advice on recomp!


New member
Hi I am currently 5'10 227-230 (fluctuates) at 12% body fat I would like to recomp I will also be cycling in order to help speed the process up looking for advice on a meal plan so far this is what I have

Meal 1 # 3 whole eggs 6 egg whites + 1slice of Ezekiel bread

Meal 2# 2 chicken breast cup of brown rice

meal 3# turkey breast + 1 slice of Ezekiel bread

meal 4 # 2 chicken breast + green beans

meal 5 # 2 chicken breast + small salad

meal 6 # flank steak + 1 oz of almonds

cycle that I would like to start feedback is helpful
700 mg of sust
300 mg of test e
600 mg of eq
500 mg of tren e
cycle length 12 weeks
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If this is your first cycle, that one you posted is too hardcore. Also, do you have a post cycle therapy (pct) planned? You'll definitely need one for that..
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay TOO many shakes bro :] do like 1-2 shakes a day more than that is a waste!!!
Your first cycle=test only!

Just my advice
If this is your first cycle, that one you posted is too hardcore. Also, do you have a PCT planned? You'll definitely need one for that..
Did all natty up to 215 lbs no pro hormones at all stayed away from that crap
second cycle
pct will consist of
100 clomid 1st week
75 mg second week
50 mg third week
50 mg 4th week

nolvadex at 20 mg all 4 weeks

on cycle support will be arimadex 0.5 mg eod
hcg towards middle of cycle at 500 ius a week till I start pct
fur sure im trying to take in around 300 grams u think thats too much?
1 st cycle was test and deca I never did test only :/
do yourself a a favor.. read post one of my free diet advice thread... it will give you a crash course on dieting

your diet is weak.. to say the least.. and the best way to recomp is carb cycling..

if your interested in professional help email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com to become a client
I am far from an expert like 3J is. However just a quick glance at your diet and I see hardly any fats? Like 3j said cycle the carbs and I would up the fats on those low carb days to cover the gap. Also that is a shitload of gear!