looking for diet and clen advice also alittle about me


New member
just wondering on what people got for good diet plans keep in mind im not the richest guy out their and saddly the world we live in it cost money to be heathly. currently im around 5'10 240ibs maybe a bit more and to my best guess id have to be at least 30% bf kinda sick how fast you can gain weight back after taking time off from the gym and a bad change in dieting.
thats f&&&& up man, i couldnt put on weight like that if i tryed. But anyway stay away from simple carbs and try eat complex ones for breaky,pre,post workout and when ur not working out greens fibrous greenssss high protein no S%%%. cycle ur clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off . drink plenty of water and have some taurine on hand incase u cramp up.