Looking for good, natural alternatives!


New member
Hey guys, im 18 and I definitely don't want to run anything until im at least of age, so I was thinking of trying some natural testosterone boosters that I've seen recommended on here.

What would be the best to start with? i've read some good things about HCGenerate, various DAA products, Triazole/Xtreme stack, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Chances are you need to eat more and lift heavier.

Post your diet and routine... supplements are very small part of the equation.
Chances are you need to eat more and lift heavier.

Post your diet and routine... supplements are very small part of the equation.

I've gained 35 lbs this year (obviously not all muscle, dirty ecto bulking ftw) with the help of Layne Norton's PHAT routine and eating 3500-4000 calories a day, Macronutrients being 280g protein, 300ish Carbs, 100g fats. I'm making wonderful progress but you can't blame a teen like me to maximize progress :p

I didn't say I had trouble building muscle, just wanted to see how reputable these test boosters are
Hey guys, im 18 and I definitely don't want to run anything until im at least of age, so I was thinking of trying some natural testosterone boosters that I've seen recommended on here.

What would be the best to start with? i've read some good things about HCGenerate, various DAA products, Triazole/Xtreme stack, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

With the HCGenerate and DAA(you can get em both from the same place) you should be doing great.

At 18 your hormones are already quite high. Eat lean and healthy, and put your time in the gym, and above all else sleep alot.

You get about 7-9 hours a night and you put in an Animals day at the gym, and you consume the souls of a thousand dead and grilled chicken, consume nutrient rich greens, and your gona be growing like a 28 year old on steroids. Without the steroids.
Even something as mild as DAA??

i would like to highlight the "worth it" part of the statement. focus more on diet at your age it will give you more gains than anything.

if you want to take something to get a placebo effect pick up some pre workout supps.

just my .02
Well I don't have any knowledge about it as your age is very young.Any other thing without full knowledge can harm your health..Anything that's worth gains in muscle will usually be hormonal. Not smart to mess with at a young age.
Honestly, I have never seen many results off testboosters alone, only gains are usually coming off cycle getting ready to PCT.
I really appreciate your decision of not to run anything until you are at least of 18 years in age..There are many natural alternates which one can use,but I don't have any idea of it..
Hey supguise... use the forum search feature and type in "juicepump" and read some of the threads.

Juicepump is a sponsor of 'ology and you can view their ads the to right of almost every page. Dread Pirate Roberts, one of this site's well respected administrators, recommends juicepump's products to everyone under the age of 21. DPR is even quoted saying that Juicepump's D-Anabol is stronger than taking real Dianabol by itself.

The best part is... it IS an an anabolic... and it has no negative side effects (I.E. Wont suppress your natty test levels). A nice clean diet and strong efforts on your part end up mattering much more when taking this product compared to a regular "real" steroid.
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Well at your age your doing the right thing by staying natural, my advise for supplements would be as follows. Whey protein during the day and casein protein before bed, multi vitamin and amino acids is all your going to need, with 8 hours of good sleep and a good diet and lots of hard work in the gym you will see the gains you want!!