Looking for pros and cons of a skinny fat cycle?


New member
27, 5 11" 162 lbs. 3.5 miles 4x a week. Keto diet 6+ months. Typical day is oatmeal for breakfast, whole wheat ham sandwich 6oz+ ham, plum and 2 cups sliced strawberries or pineapple for lunch. 8oz Tilapia or 12 oz ny strip with 2 cups romaine lettuce and 3 tablespoon Italian dressing.

Belly fat and love handles are the absolute last place to go. I'm going to cut naturally, but I know I have another 15 lbs at least of bf to go before I am pure skinny. I'm wondering if there would be any benefit adding testosterone prop, Tren ace and drostanolone prop, T3 and Clen.

I have use T3 and Clen multiple times and although it definitely helps me lose weight, the stomach fat is still there.

Any info is appreciated.
Jesus mate you need to gain weight not lose it i would get on a clean bulking diet get some good clean carbs in you and add ghrp and cjc it will strip that unwanted stomach fat quick smart
You can do both if you like but the cjc and ghrp2 will get rid of the stomach fat faster than anything else its renown for it but if you want the advantages of test on top of that go for it 500mgs of test a week and cjc and ghrp2 cycle beautiful results