T3, clen, test prop, for cutting and cardio?


New member
Ive been searching for a while now and I still cant pinpoint what is going wrong with my cycle. My goal is to increase endurance, last month I was able to run 10 miles without killing myself then I started a cycle of T3, clen, and test prop. So the cycle seems to be working Ive maintained my bodyweight but have lost some body fat and it is noticable. I would like to continue to run this cycle but something is causing horrible leg pumps while running. I cant do shit right now, made it 2.6 miles today and had to stop twice, its not lungs its legs.

I was taking test at 700mg/wk then I thought it might be the test so I lowered the dosage to 350mg/wk still horrible leg pumps.
Ive been on t3 at 50mg ed and clen at 100mg/day for the last two weeks. I also use keto so I dont want to stop the clen but I might bc I cant run like this.

Any suggestions from people with experience doing this would help, not a big cardio guy, just my joints cant handle powerlifitng anymore. I wanna be like Lance Armsrong help me out gents.
Interesting you can run 10 miles but joints can't handle powerlifting. I'm the exact opposite, running hurts but not powerlifting.

I can't help with T3 and clen, don't know anything about them. On the 700 mg/wk test were you taking any AI? Don't know if runaway estrogen could be causing your cramps.
Clenbuterol is a bronchodialator and can cause potassium loss as well as taurine loss. Replace these with supplements and you're good to go.