Looking for Some Advice about Cycle


New member
First Off, want to say Hello to Everyone, Just joined the forums and needing some input.

This Will be my 3rd cycle, First one was bunk gear, Second was Test Prop and NPP ( gained a solid 20 lbs +/-).

I have been lifting for a few years, never really with much results in Size, only strength and some definition. No matter what ive tried diet wise or supplement wise, my Peak bodyweight has always stopped at 155lbs.

I am 25 years old, 5'5" 155lbs, dont know my BF%.
Some Recent history: I was at 160 lbs, but had some issues start about 2 months ago where i was unable to go to the gym and about 2 weeks ago i was sick and dropped down to 138lbs within 2-3 days. My diet is spot on but only since i came over the sickness, can post it later.

Ive always had to use high dosage for results, so advice is definitely helpful.

I have 2 21ML bottles of 350mg of Test E and Equipose (350 each, so 700MG/ML), and 60 10mg Superdrol tabs.

Im wanting to do a 12 week cycle, planning on injecting Mondays and Thursdays,

Should I run it at 2.5ML/week or 3ML/week? for the whole 12 weeks
The first 4 weeks at 20MG ED of superdrol.

I also have Nolvadex to run throughout the entire cycle if need be, waiting on some Aromasin or Arimidex which i would prefer to run during.

Would like some advice on how much I should run
Food isn't a supplement.. Eat more. You will grow. If you tell me you eat a lot, well maybe that is true, but you're not eating enough for you.

I would suggest hoping over to the diet forums and have someone over there tell you if your diet is good or not.

Honestly, I don't think you're where you need to be to cycle so I'm not going to give my opinion about how to take what, etc.
Food isn't a supplement.. Eat more. You will grow. If you tell me you eat a lot, well maybe that is true, but you're not eating enough for you.

I would suggest hoping over to the diet forums and have someone over there tell you if your diet is good or not.

Honestly, I don't think you're where you need to be to cycle so I'm not going to give my opinion about how to take what, etc.

This is an outline of my diet, I am unable to eat it all just yet, still getting back over the naseuation thing. Also, Im not planning on starting it yet, thats why im asking for advice, planning on waiting atleast 30-45 days of solid dieting without any slip ups. Ive also done the GVT (German Volume Training) a few months back and was able to get some strength gains off of it.

Meal 1: Breakfast
1 Cup Oats, 6 Egg Whites
-or occasionally- ½ cup cream of wheat or granola, 6 egg whites

Snack 1:
½ Cup Greek Yogurt Plain (add protein powder scoop or couple pieces fruit)
-or- Egg White Omelet (veggies), ½ can/pack salmon
-or- Protein Shake
-or- Almonds/Pistachios (1/2 cup)

Meal 2: Lunch 1
Chicken, Turkey, Fish (small to medium portion)
½ cup quinoa or brown rice

Meal 3: Lunch 2
Chicken, Beef (small to medium portion)
½ to whole sweet potato
1 cup vegetables (broccoli/mixed veggies/etc)

Snack 2:
Protein Shake
-or- Egg Whites
-or- Almonds/Pistachios (1/2 cup)

Meal 4:
Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Tuna, Egg Whites (Portion by Appetite)
Vegetable (Edamame/Spinach/Bell Peppers/Onions/Mushrooms/Asparagus)

Bedtime: Optional Protein Load but Preferred
Cottage Cheese (1/2-1 Cup)
-or- Protein Shake
Naturally I peak at 155, I've been there for 4 years when not on any type of supplements. If I could get to 170 naturally, I wouldn't be doing a cycle ;-)

you cant get to 170 naturally because your diet isn't letting you... not because you have "peaked"
Come on 3J! It was my time to shine about dieting! Haha. But 3J is right. Your diet is the limiting factor to your weight. I understand you say you physically can't eat that much because it makes you sick? Search for more calorie dense foods such as more nuts and whole eggs. Don't be fooled by fat will make fat. Fat is necessary for a lot of actions in the body (3J would know more). I absolutely hate when someone comes into the supplement store I work at and ask for a weight gainer because they can't gain weight, BUT if your issue is being able to consume enough calories to gain weight, then a liquid source may help. I'm not saying go out and get "Make Me Fat 5000." I've never had the not eating enough issue because I could easily consume double-triple the amount of calories I normally eat.

Also, its cool following some designer workout when you're learning. If you have truly peaked, you would be doing your own thing. Over the years I have followed programs. Eventually, you shy away from them adopting different components of different ones that have worked best for you to make a tailored program for yourself. Every body is different.

All of the clues point towards more experience and knowledge should be obtained. I'd say at 5'5", you could be 180+ pounds with a decent body fat percentage (less than 12-14%)
See Opie, human body didn't evolve to waste food, it keeps everything. You simply don't eat enough. There is no need for supplements, food is all you need. Feed your body and it will grow.
Come on 3J! It was my time to shine about dieting! Haha. But 3J is right. Your diet is the limiting factor to your weight. I understand you say you physically can't eat that much because it makes you sick? Search for more calorie dense foods such as more nuts and whole eggs. Don't be fooled by fat will make fat. Fat is necessary for a lot of actions in the body (3J would know more). I absolutely hate when someone comes into the supplement store I work at and ask for a weight gainer because they can't gain weight, BUT if your issue is being able to consume enough calories to gain weight, then a liquid source may help. I'm not saying go out and get "Make Me Fat 5000." I've never had the not eating enough issue because I could easily consume double-triple the amount of calories I normally eat.

Also, its cool following some designer workout when you're learning. If you have truly peaked, you would be doing your own thing. Over the years I have followed programs. Eventually, you shy away from them adopting different components of different ones that have worked best for you to make a tailored program for yourself. Every body is different.

All of the clues point towards more experience and knowledge should be obtained. I'd say at 5'5", you could be 180+ pounds with a decent body fat percentage (less than 12-14%)

Oh no, not because I can't eat it all, I was recently sick and couldn't eat at all because of it. And I actually accidentally posted the wrong diet plan, I have a heavier diet, it's supposed to be 6 egg whites, 3 whole eggs and a cup of oats for breakfast, didn't look at the rest of it for the differences.
Oh no, not because I can't eat it all, I was recently sick and couldn't eat at all because of it. And I actually accidentally posted the wrong diet plan, I have a heavier diet, it's supposed to be 6 egg whites, 3 whole eggs and a cup of oats for breakfast, didn't look at the rest of it for the differences.

Then eat. Seriously. Using gear at your current stats are just going to end up leaving you disappointed. You came here looking for advice and we are giving it to you. Honest, straight up truth about what we think would be best for you. Every one is different so, there may be a very SMALL chance you may have hit your peak. I would say that it would only be true if you have some sort of disorder preventing that.

So, the best thing for you to do is eat. A lot. There was a calculator on here for BMR, etc. Start there and up the calories based on the "bulking" or "cutting" instructions. Weigh your food (don't measure) and record what you eat. I would say that anything short of 2900-3000 calories is not enough for you. Especially if you're a hardgainer.
Then eat. Seriously. Using gear at your current stats are just going to end up leaving you disappointed. You came here looking for advice and we are giving it to you. Honest, straight up truth about what we think would be best for you. Every one is different so, there may be a very SMALL chance you may have hit your peak. I would say that it would only be true if you have some sort of disorder preventing that.

So, the best thing for you to do is eat. A lot. There was a calculator on here for BMR, etc. Start there and up the calories based on the "bulking" or "cutting" instructions. Weigh your food (don't measure) and record what you eat. I would say that anything short of 2900-3000 calories is not enough for you. Especially if you're a hardgainer.

No offense taken, and I do know it's y'all's honest advice. I am one of the "bigger" guys in my family lol, my older brother is 5'3 and was stuck at 135 for the longest time until he took Sust and Deca in Afghanistan, he was able to get up to 175. Years down the road he's now stuck at 145.

Eating as much as I could without running anything in Iraq, I was able to get up to about 155-157 lbs working out more than I should have. (2x a day 5 days a week and once on Sat and Sun)... Couldn't help it though, it was either the gym or watching movies on my off time