I've been thinking about the whole, self induced TRT deal for a week now. I really have yet to find a problem with the route if one fully dedicates themselves to the decision.
Everyone before doing a cycle should consider the fact that they may have to be on TRT forever after anyhow right?
Now, after that first cycle, you realize how much better training, gaining, cutting, and life is with the drugs.. so you yearn to do a 2nd, add another compound and now it's even better!.. so it's safe to say the user at this point is hooked and will want to do more and more and keep crushing their goals, or maintain their badass physique they've made.
If we keep cycling, odds are we'll end up on TRT anyway, and will have wasted money on PCT medicine, and possibly 5lbs between each cycle we ever did. All because we didn't commit to TRT before we needed it for health reasons..
If we cycle on/off 3 times a year..
We'll need 3 PCTS. Lets just say each PCT is Clomid 50/50/50/50, and Nolva 40/40/20/20.
That is 1400mg of Clomid per PCT, and 840mg of Tamoxifen per.
This is 1 bottle of each per PCT from a nearby retailer.
Roughly 100 bucks after shipping and such.
300 bucks a year if you do 3 cycles, 200 if you do 2 in just recovery meds. Which, may or may not induce recovery.. it will only help you attempt it.
Enough test to fulfill a years TRT is around ******* dollars from pretty much anywhere that I've found.
I'm not trying to be devils advocate here, but there are two routes to choose from I think.. both have pros and cons.
The whole on/off deal is great for those that want a chance to recover, and it's possible to maintain a decent amount between cycles.. but TRT will be like recovering to optimal conditions instantly... if you plan on doing steroids for the rest of your life, TRT is the better option here.
TRT is ******* in pricing (as demonstrated above), as running PCT 2 times a year.
It's not really a reckless plan of action.. just different than what is taught primarily on this site. Some people don't care about recovery, and will rather have optimal hormone levels all the time than to deal with the swings of cycling on and off.