losing body fat


New member
im trying to lose alot of bodyfat and its hard for me to get a hold of all the special foods and stuff like that. Can anyone tell me what could i do with your everyday foods and stuff like that?

what are "special" foods, and what are "everyday" foods?

i normally buy my special food at the grocery store, but not everyday.
Take your "everyday" foods - reduce your portions - drink more water - do more cardio....an everyday plan for some every day foods
it just books. just focus on eating clean small portion and work out at least 3-4 times a week. if you think about you probably know whats healthy and whats unhealthy and dont really need a book to tell them what to eat.

I ve read a few books and they seem to focus on one part of the diet and forget rest. f. ex. the 3 hour diet-eat every three hours to keep your metabolism going. the gi diet-just slow carbs. I've actually met people who after reading 3 hour diet they thought they should eat a lot more to lose weight.