Losing Weight On Decca!!


sean usmc

is it possible if someone were to take decca alone and did cardio and muscle toning only.would they burn fat away with the help of decca only.its for a female..
yes. Burning fat is Dieat/Cardio related, and not so much related to gear. Sure, some gear helps more than others.

But in reality, she should not be using Deca [/B]to cut...especially considering the side effects!
THeres anecdotal evidence that suggest that anavar, and tren "burn fat." If i were to suggest a female to use an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) it would be var, not deca.
dcorti01 said:
THeres anecdotal evidence that suggest that anavar, and tren "burn fat." If i were to suggest a female to use an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) it would be var, not deca.

Actually, with oxandrolone there are studies documenting it's effects as far as fat loss is concerned...
There are defintely some steroids that will tighten you up, but you cannot rely on this to cut up. That comes from diet and cardio period.

How serious is this female about trianing? Why not use Clen? Steroids can have very serious effects on women...
hey OUTLAWTAZ2, well because she has axcess to only decca so i figured that decca IS A FAT BURNER ALSO SHE WAN'TS TO GET CUT AND LOSE WEIGHT ALSO...so i thought that it would somewhat be ok...
outlawtas2 said:
There are defintely some steroids that will tighten you up, but you cannot rely on this to cut up. That comes from diet and cardio period.

How serious is this female about trianing? Why not use Clen? Steroids can have very serious effects on women...

correct. Anavar, Winstrol (winny) and Tren....IMO all three cut fat however the amount of fat loss will not be all that dramatic.
Hey Not Really Cut Up But To Help Burn Fat...thats All Really She Is Looking 4...hey Crackah
ok i got it bro thanks..i totally forgot that that it was highlighted in blue..ok thanks so its an oral huh
yes, it's not a steroid. It's generally safe for women and won't cause masculinizing effects like steroids may.

She should work her way up to no more than 100mcg ED, run it 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off for best results. Combine with diet and cardio obviously.
Agree - Clen, with a good diet and aerobic exercise is the way to go. Is she is also look for a bit of extra muscle (fitness girl physique) then low dosage of winstrol tablets combined with clen would also work well.