Losing Wieght


New member
I played college football and have always been a big dude. i am getting back to working out hard and am looking for some tips. I am 335lbs down from 365 in three months with little struggle. I want to start hitting the weights hard and getting firm but still cut the weight at roughly the same rate. I have t3 and clen but have not taken any of it yet. I am going to purchase winnie, anavar and some other good cutter when i am certain of a good source (the t3 and clen place does not sell anything else). In the meantime should I take the t3 and clen and wait to get the gear or should I get the gear and hit one cycle?
Welcome to the board :)

PLease post up your stats, cycle history and diet. t3 and clen are not magic fat loss drugs. If you lost 30 lbs in 3 months your on the right track.
6'0 335 cycled all through college on everything but abombs cuz i drink. Did most of it with poor diet and with a lot of trial and error and shotgunning. Before gear weight 275 post 315 and bulky as shit. Know I am trying to keep my calories under 3500 which is still higher than it should be. If I start with the clen and t3 I will keep my cal to 2500 with 1 hr of cardio 4 to 5 days a week swimming walking and eliptical. I isolate muscle groups and hit 4 sets of 12 on 4 to 5 exercises per muscle 4 days a week. should I take the t3 and clen and wait to take winnie or should I hit it all?