Hey all
I have been reading alot on PCT and its side effects, similarly to Finasteride (Fin) and the side effect of loss libido, permanent & temporary.
I was on Test e only cycle for 10 weeks at two shots per week.
Today marks the 3rd week of PCT (Nolva/Clomid)
Week 1 - 10 (Test E)
Week 11 - 12 (1mg Fin)
Week 12 - 2 days ago (1.25 mg Fin)
Week 13- present (Nolva @ 40/40/20/20)
Week 14 - present (Clomid @ 100/100/50/50)
For the past 1 week I have noticed a drastic drop on my libido, where there were no occurence of morning wood or any form of erection.
I was about to have sex with my girl last night but I could not get a hard on. A great disappointment to both of us.
I am confused to whether this is caused by the Finasteride or the PCT. I hope this does not go permanent. Depressed like shit man.
Need some advise here.
Thank you
I have been reading alot on PCT and its side effects, similarly to Finasteride (Fin) and the side effect of loss libido, permanent & temporary.
I was on Test e only cycle for 10 weeks at two shots per week.
Today marks the 3rd week of PCT (Nolva/Clomid)
Week 1 - 10 (Test E)
Week 11 - 12 (1mg Fin)
Week 12 - 2 days ago (1.25 mg Fin)
Week 13- present (Nolva @ 40/40/20/20)
Week 14 - present (Clomid @ 100/100/50/50)
For the past 1 week I have noticed a drastic drop on my libido, where there were no occurence of morning wood or any form of erection.
I was about to have sex with my girl last night but I could not get a hard on. A great disappointment to both of us.
I am confused to whether this is caused by the Finasteride or the PCT. I hope this does not go permanent. Depressed like shit man.
Need some advise here.
Thank you