Loss of Libido during PCT with Finasteride


New member
Hey all

I have been reading alot on PCT and its side effects, similarly to Finasteride (Fin) and the side effect of loss libido, permanent & temporary.

I was on Test e only cycle for 10 weeks at two shots per week.

Today marks the 3rd week of PCT (Nolva/Clomid)

Week 1 - 10 (Test E)
Week 11 - 12 (1mg Fin)
Week 12 - 2 days ago (1.25 mg Fin)
Week 13- present (Nolva @ 40/40/20/20)
Week 14 - present (Clomid @ 100/100/50/50)

For the past 1 week I have noticed a drastic drop on my libido, where there were no occurence of morning wood or any form of erection.

I was about to have sex with my girl last night but I could not get a hard on. A great disappointment to both of us.

I am confused to whether this is caused by the Finasteride or the PCT. I hope this does not go permanent. Depressed like shit man.

Need some advise here.

Thank you
Relax and welcome.
Read a bunch huh ? Never read the sides as they are recquired to print worste case scenarios; it be the law.

No pct will NOT return you to the feeling of a cycle and though u may not be crashing ur def. not running a cycle with it s woodie 5x a day either. Quit psyching urself out, quit wondering if it s gonna get hard---------and it will.
3 major hormones regulate normal sexual function..

test, estrogen/progestrone, and DHT

fina is a DHT blocker... a very powerful one as well.. you have virtually no dht running in your system.. that alone would cause issues with libido

add the fact that your test is in the gutter and youre in pct.. and boom you have your current situation

why are you taking fina? hair loss?
You already have no test to be 5 alpha reduced to dht and your taking a 5ar inhibitor on top of it (finasteride). Its gonna take time for things ti get back to normal man. Even more time with the finasteride in the mix. May not be a bad idea to hop off the fina, do a ull pct and then wait to go back o the fina. To know if your pct has even been successful you have to wait 6-8 weeks after you stop taking your pct serms and get blood work. It takes that long to get a true picture of where your hormones are post pct. Honestly you may want to drop fina until after that long and after you get your post pct blood. Once you get your bloods and have found your pct was successful (and this issue is no more hopefully) you could then resume the fina usage.
Also I would recommend you look into dutasteride. It is more effective than fina at a much lower dose and has found much fewer incidences of sexual dysfunction issue among users when compared to finasteride. In fact with dutasteride the % of users that report sexual issues is only 1.3%, thats significantly less than finasteride users.
Thank you for the advices guys.

I went to the hospital to check with a doctor yesterday but was told to drop all medications and let my hormones recover naturally. And he assured me that the Fin is not the cause of my shut down but the Test and the PCT. Requested for a blood test but was turned down as he deemed as unnecessary. Im 29 and being in this state is scaring the shit out of me. Too young to get ED. ***128554;***128546;