Lot's Of Questions Please Answer If You Can!!!


New member
I'm 6'2 175lbs taking 500mg of test enthate and 400 decca 300...Was wondering how much food should I be taking in? should I be shooting for calories? or what? how much should I gain?

Also I hate acne and I have had it and was thinking of using some b5 i think it's called seen some of the guys on this forums talking about it....what do you think any big side effects what the deal with it? I was gonna try accutain but i have heard some bad stuff about it...

Last question is this, I have been taking 2 shots a week, 250 and 200...When will I feel the stuff kick in? normallyu week 3 right? Well if that is the case in the first 3 weeks is my body even using the roids? or em I just working out as if everything was all natural????

I would take in about 5000 calories and 300 grams of protien. When bulking the only thing I count is calories and protien. If this is your first cycle you should gain about 20-25lbs and keep about 15-20 if your post cycle therapy (pct) is good. Im not sure about acne cuz I dont get it. I do not feel anything until 2 1/2- 3 weeks on Enanthate, but it is being released into your system the whole time its just your blood levels will not be high untill the 3rd weeks. Thats why you will start seeing significant gains in week 3.
swoleburn's dead on with the diet.... as for the acne:
I HIGHLY recommend that you dont take accutane. At my last dermatologist appointment he said that the most recent study found kidney damage in athletes who used it while competing, predominantly in weight lifters.
Im taking pantholic acid (B5) now 2.5 grams 4 times a day... As for as big side effects, i have not noticed yet (but ive only been taking 2 days with that dose)...
I have been looking for information on the relationship between accutane and liver damage, but so far haven't come up with anything really solid.

Does anyone else have information on this?
Should you be watching calories? Hell yes, increase your daily diet but 1250 to start if not 1500, I'm the same height and about to hit 100 pounds over where you are at, and I'm not big just yet.

Good luck
TheHypeIsReal said:
I'm 6'2 175lbs taking 500mg of test enthate and 400 decca 300...Was wondering how much food should I be taking in? should I be shooting for calories? or what? how much should I gain?

Also I hate acne and I have had it and was thinking of using some b5 i think it's called seen some of the guys on this forums talking about it....what do you think any big side effects what the deal with it? I was gonna try accutain but i have heard some bad stuff about it...

Last question is this, I have been taking 2 shots a week, 250 and 200...When will I feel the stuff kick in? normallyu week 3 right? Well if that is the case in the first 3 weeks is my body even using the roids? or em I just working out as if everything was all natural????


Is this your 1st cycle? Sounds like it is. Leave the Deca out and do the test by itself for 10-12 weeks at 500mgs. Not everyone gets acne from AS.

I would keep the cals around 3250-3750 with the carbs around
125-150 grams a day. Makre sure you pct(post cycle therapy) after the cycle is done. Keep nolva(in case of gyno) or get some liquidex and take it 0.5mg's EOD, no need for ED, very strong. It will also help the bloat, trust me:) And yes 2 shots a week is 500mgs. Most will notice it around 4-5 weeks, some will around 3-4. :)