love handles


New member
ok ive been trying to get rid of the love handles for a long long time. Ive tried dieting, cardio, and ECA's... still to no success.... the best ive been able to get is a sixpack but i still have the damn love handles... is there any way to isolate them ?

people have suggested doing workouts for that area... but if i build the muscle theyll look worse cuz then theyll stick out more... then ive had people suggest light weight high rep... but from my understanding spot reduction is a that would just give me more endurance and waste my time...

anyone have any suggestions ? do those spot reduction gel's work at all ?
Yohiminiburn gel might work.

It's gotten good reviews from some people.
cardio, but not normal, try kick boxing!!! billy blanks's Taebo...double time! seriously, try for a while in the morning when u wake up, it's all about the diet too man
If you have love handles its because your not lean enough: I would highly doubt you have "Love Handles" If your 8% bodyfat
im gunna try and get my friend to let me barrow his digi cam its wierd as hell... u can see abs and all then bam love handles... its like there is a line right acrossed my body where it stops loosing the weight. and the love handles are the marker.
You simply need to keep cutting. The love handle and abs are generally the last spot to go and the first spot to grow.
that love handles suck... i think mine popped on to my body when i was turning 18.. that sucked bad, i was like... what the fuck is this? ive got a 6 pack but love handles now... dont worry dude, it means your a man.. lol...
It all comes down to your diet and cardio. Try powerwalking for 1 hour before breakfast and check your diet.
lovehandles are the bane of my existence. i have them even at 10% bodyfat, thanks to my short torso. if i want to shed them i have to cut down to 8%.
heregothere said:
lovehandles are the bane of my existence. i have them even at 10% bodyfat, thanks to my short torso. if i want to shed them i have to cut down to 8%.

Damn, 10% is low to still have love handles.
tell me about it. i always thought i was higher than that because i would use calipers on my abs to get a bf reading, but i went to a personal trainer over the summer (i thought i was 12-13%) i had 10 point something bodyfat, love handles and all :(. Just means I gotta work harder, but it's rewarding.
the gels cost to much to "maybe" work... im gunna keep on doing CKD and see if that works out... if not... i cant think of anything witty to say but it wont be pretty!