low dose sustanon stacking with high Tren ??


New member
Hey last year I managed to get a heap of sustanon fairly cheap, I have never used sust before it's always been test e.
Now into further researching it seems like a test-e and Tren ace stack is the way to go, That's how I've run it in the past, low test 250mg to high Tren 400..
in further thought into it it's gonna be tricky to pin .2 and a half mil every second day to get my 250mg of sus per week and I have also keep reading how test e is the better option for stable blood's.. anyways do you think I Should just try the sust? I know test is test but I just need a couple people to convince me.. also how many days would one give break after last sust pin before starting pct???
I am considering buying more test e but I really want to use up this sust!!
It's ugloz sust 250 if anyone tried it let us know how ya went???
If you have legitimate sustanon there's no problem using it

If you're bound and determined to run "low test high tren" just do 0.5ml sust twice per week (250mg/wk) and if you're using tren E, pin 1ml (should be 200mg/ml) at the same time
Shouldn't it be ran every 2-3rd day due to the prop ester? I only suggested every 2nd day because I Herd it gives stable blood's and I can stack it with my Tren ace
You just started a thread about using sust, tren and mast. What didn't get answered for you in that thread?
Shouldn't it be ran every 2-3rd day due to the prop ester? I only suggested every 2nd day because I Herd it gives stable blood's and I can stack it with my Tren ace

Just saw the tren ace bit

No, the prop ester in sust doesn't mean you -have- to pin more frequently than twice a week, though of course you can

I'm not a fan of the low test/high tren thing so personally the only thing I'd change is the frequency and tren dosing

125mg sust EOD (~412/wk)
50-100mg trenA EOD (175-350/wk)
I tend to break out in acne half way through on 500 test wouldn't mind giving it a ago tho Cheers!
i would boot sust 3 times a week.. but im over it ... stick to one ester imo..... but u got a great deal so of course use the stufff.. but i would just shoot like .3 .3 .4