Low dose test on ph cycle?


Lifter of weights
Hey ology bros, In 2 months ill be doing a cycle of beastdrol v2 and im thinking of running 50mg test prop either ed or eod. Would this be benifical or just a waste? Pardon me if its a dumb question
Why not do a test base as your cycle for 10-12 weeks and jump start it with beastdrol the 1st 4 weeks? I'd definately want a test base when running anything that's gonna shut me down. I've done a pro by itself, lethargy was terrible, ran another one with a test base of 200mg cypionate/weekly and felt amazing the whole time! No insomnia, or lethargy, no libido drop.
Why not do a test base as your cycle for 10-12 weeks and jump start it with beastdrol the 1st 4 weeks? I'd definately want a test base when running anything that's gonna shut me down. I've done a pro by itself, lethargy was terrible, ran another one with a test base of 200mg cypionate/weekly and felt amazing the whole time! No insomnia, or lethargy, no libido drop.

That would be an option but I was hoping to do a short cycle and the test would really only be to make up for my natty test that will be shut down. Like you said the lethargy and libido drop is my main concern, I have a bottle of prop laying around so it would be prefect as I wouldnt have to buy anything else
It would be beneficial to run a test base. You're going to get shut down regardless so might as well at least feel good on cycle and have a healthy amount of test in your system.
It would be beneficial to run a test base. You're going to get shut down regardless so might as well at least feel good on cycle and have a healthy amount of test in your system.

Thanks for the response. Would the 50mg prop every day be enough to feel great throughout? Its a short ester so running it for 4-6 weeks would probably be alright, right? I was thinking about starting them at the same time and just running the test another 2 weeks after im done the beast
Thanks for the response. Would the 50mg prop every day be enough to feel great throughout? Its a short ester so running it for 4-6 weeks would probably be alright, right? I was thinking about starting them at the same time and just running the test another 2 weeks after im done the beast

Ya that's more than enough to replace natty levels. If you want to run enough to add to your gains i'd consider running 75mg ed.
Im going to go with 50mg test prop every day from weeks 1-6 and then 2 caps beastdrol v2 every day from week 1-4. Thanks the input guys
Got a PCT in mind?

You bet buddy. Ill be running formastanzol throughout cycle and into pct, hcgenerate on cycle. Post cycle will ne forged post cycle and I have clomid as well but unsure how long I want to run it.
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Honestly though after giving this some deep thought I might wait a while longer before I do this, I have run two ph cycles previous to this but I think I should train harder before I hit this one, I also need to be able to commit to a perfect diet so I dont want to short change myself at all. Im 22 and a bit years old right now and am wondering if ive made some irresponsible decisions with past cycles so early. I want to be an awesome bodybuilder and have lifelong success with it and not have low test issues and such. I think i forgot about my love for lifting and living the lifestyle and have been caught up with getting real big and being the man. Lol been feeling a bit philosophical
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Honestly though after giving this some deep thought I might wait a while longer before I do this, I have run two ph cycles previous to this but I think I should train harder before I hit this one, I also need to be able to commit to a perfect diet so I dont want to short change myself at all. Im 22 and a bit years old right now and am wondering if ive made some irresponsible decisions with past cycles so early. I want to be an awesome bodybuilder and have lifelong success with it and not have low test issues and such. I think i forgot about my love for lifting and living the lifestyle and have been caught up with getting real big and being the man. Lol been feeling a bit philosophical

That's a very wise decision man. It's people like you who get the most out of their cycles.
3Js diet, need I say more?

I lost 20lbs in 3 months with no gear, would cost the same as a short ph cycle.

Im on it right now, ive seen awesome changes while cutting and in a few weeks once I hit 7-8% bf ill be switching to a lean bulk and am hoping to put on some lean mean pounds
Dude, you never said your only 22.......

Make do with natty hormones. You have lots right now, more than enough to build muscle.

Yeah, my mistake on that. I knew better but the temptation to take the shortcut was weighing heavy on me. Im sure some of you know what I mean