Low libido on PCT - Post Test prop/winstrol


New member
Hey guys what's up?

So, I'm 20yo and planning on competing on national bodybuilding show next year. Been training since I was 16-17. My first cycle, which ended 3,5 weeks ago was 125mg test prop EOD (weeks 1-10) and winstrol at 40mg ED (weeks 7-10). PCT, which I'm currently on the last week is nolvadex for 4 weeks (40/40/20/20mg ED).

My issue is that, since the middle of the PCT I'm experiencing very low sex drive and I think I might be a little more emotional too. I don't get any hard ons by myself, unless I'm aroused by a girl. I'm starting to get a little preocupied since my pct is almost over and I was expecting to be with normal T levels by now.

Is this normal? What can I do about it, just wait?

Thanks in advance. Regards.
Nolva is usually paired with clomid for pct. Plus, your kinda young and u probably did have a tremendous amount of natty test in you before u shut it down with the prop.
Nolva is usually paired with clomid for pct. Plus, your kinda young and u probably did have a tremendous amount of natty test in you before u shut it down with the prop.

I was advised and told that nolva only would be enough, since I'm young and it was my first cycle. Do you think I should wait or get some clomid and do another pct?
I was advised and told that nolva only would be enough, since I'm young and it was my first cycle. Do you think I should wait or get some clomid and do another pct?

your NOT done your development till about age 24-25 in males. using aas before then can stop or mess up your development FOR GOOD. its not the same hwen someome 25+ uses aas. doing that cycle was very stupid IMO...
you can end up on hrt for life , have sexual issues and many more things. dont do another cycle till atleast 24 man,...
wow.. 20 and done with a cycle.. what a mistake!!

there are studies that show long term damage to your hpta when you cycle before its fully developed..

i hope you recover well!! good luck to you!!
Let's hope u didn't do a serious damage to ur Hpta as u started so young..
It's still early to know without blood test few weeks after pct..
Do no expect to have a normal sexual performance while you are on pct, even few weeks after.. You are still recovering..
Be patient , Good luck
Many thanks for the answers. ALL pro bodybuilders start gear even younger than me! Take arnold for instance, he started taking gear very young and still managed to have 4 kids! So dont give me that bullshit that I'm way too young, what I got into and I know that being a pro bber requires some sacrifice.

Then again, thanks for the answers.
^^ That is 100% the attitude that will get you nowhere fast man. These opinions of people whom hope you did no perm damage to you Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis these guys with thousands of posts know what there talking about. If you did some research yourself you would of found that during PCT the low sex drive is pretty norm. Estrogen rebound is a bitch. You wanna go pro go for it. You wanna fuck your shit up go for it. Just use your head about it.
The fact is your going to take a good while to get those levels back to normal. That's why the rule of thumb is time on time off. Cause it takes about that long to get your shit back in action. Also if you think shut down from Winny and Prop is bad
run a big cycle of Tren. Best of luck to you man!

PS: Go pick up some D Aspartic Acid. It actually helps. IMO
So dont give me that bullshit that I'm way too young

This is what you get for trying to help a jack ass..
Once you ll be here crying that you can't satisfy your GF cuz u are screwed up , no one will give you (bull shit) to make u perform like a man.
Saying thank you for the answers then adding that stupid input shows that you will be doing what's in ur head regardless what others think.
This makes ur thread useless and meaningless as you are not waiting for answers , you are just waiting for blessing for ur stupidity.. If you are hoping you ll get this , then sorry to say .. U ll not get this approval on ology.