Low-T & DECA Cycle

Low-T (227), currently on Test-E 200 (100 2x weekly), Arimidex .25 EOD, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 (250 2x weekly).

I want to add in 200mg of DECA per week to see if I can get any relief from a couple of nagging injuries, and as I have really little Test production of my own, I typically pin Test-E without a break. Can someone look at the proposed cycle below and tell me what I would need for post cycle therapy (pct) after the DECA, Novaldex, Clomid, etc..(if needed at all), as I don't want to go too long between Test shots. Hoping t go back to Test-E 200 weekly on Week 16


Week 1-14 Test-E 500mg
Week 3 -12 DECA NPP 200mg
Week 4 - 12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500mg
Week 1 - 14 Arimidex .25mg
You have hypogondadism and are on TRT. You don't need to run post cycle therapy (pct). You don't have any natty T to recover anymore.

You are taking a lot of arimidex on your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of 200mg/week. Where does that put your estradiol?

On the cycle are you planning on running something to control prolactin? And why do you think you will only need .25mg of adex per week while on cycle when you are taking .25mg EOD while on TRT?

How old are you? Are you on doctor prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or are you self-medicating?
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This is what I thought, but wasn't sure....not much natural T to begin with.

The Arimidex is 1mg per week, and Test-E is 200mg per week.

I have bloodwork pending on E2 to see if I need to adjust the Arimidex amount. and Also bloodwork for Test.

Something for control of Prolactin...NO.

Type for Week 1 - 14..should by 1mg per week

I'm 45, 5'10", 1850lbs, 13%BF. Was on Androgel for several months, but with young kids it was not a good option, and results were hit or miss. Dr then switched me to pellets, literally a pain in the ass....one insertion every 4 months, at around $1200 per insertion. T peaks really high, then gradually fades over the months, and for me, I get very depressed, irritable, and moody when T is really low, so combined with the cost of this, around $3000 per year, I had to stop. Next was Male Hormone Replacement Specialists. I look at several, including IncreaseMyT, and two local places. Both of which proposed an almost identical regimen, which I then took to my Dr. to see if he would prescribe the same....No. So...i took the plan and decided to source my own material. Essentially the plan was to run Test-E 200, Arimidex 1mg, and 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) over a 12-14 week cycle, and break for 2 weeks. One place said no need to break, as I really don't produce enough...the other place said to break from Test for 2 weeks to let the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) work better. However, none of the specialists mentioned anything about Prolactin control.

Other than Low-T and a few misc. injuries from sports over the years, there's not a damn thing wrong with me, Cholesterol, BP, etc...nothing. Diet is good, workout/exercise regularly, never been overweight, don't smoke...do love me some wine...just damned Low-T.

Anyway, the goal is to get it and keep it in a good range for the long haul, and if I can use DECA at a low enough does to help heal some injuries, all the better. I read that 200mg was sufficient for this.

Any insights you have are greatly appreciated
My recommendation is to get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dialed in first. Just take the Test E, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and adex for now. Get lab work and post them in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum so guys can help you dial your protocol in. This can take time to accomplish.

Once you are dialed in and feeling better you could then consider a cycle. You will be much better prepared to manage the side effects because you will known how your body responds to test e injections. And adding in Deca at this point will further complicate your protocol. When an issue pops up you won't know if the test, deca or something else is the cause. I know it is tempting to jump in all the way, but patience is the smart way to approach this.

You will feel a lot better just getting your test levels back to the upper end of the normal range. Enjoy that for a bit before you look to cycle.

As for the two week break -- don't do that on TRT. You stay on it for the rest of your life unless you can restart your natty production.

You need to be prepared to control prolactin when you take deca. Otherwise your dick stops working. Do you enjoy lactating?

Were you diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadism?

For the sports injuries, TB-500 might help. And getting your TT up to normal will help you recover much better.
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Thank you for the feedback, I will take your advice and wait on any other additives for now. When your levels have been as low as mine were, and you finally start to feel better, you really want to get back to where you remember you were...however long ago that was. I was not diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadism and will post back with some lab results when I have them.
Thank you for the feedback, I will take your advice and wait on any other additives for now. When your levels have been as low as mine were, and you finally start to feel better, you really want to get back to where you remember you were...however long ago that was. I was not diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadism and will post back with some lab results when I have them.

If you have primary hypogonadism Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) isn't going to do anything for you. Just a waste of money.
Received my E2 bloodwork back from ZRT, 48pg/ml Range 12 - 56. I am still taking 250mg Test-E 2x per week, along with 1mg Arimidex per week (.25, .25, .50).

Should I be looking to get E2 lower to around 22-30 range?..if so, would 1.25, or 1.50mg per week be sufficient.

Also, at the end of this 500 per week cycle, when I drop down to 200 per week, would I then revert back to 1mg per week, then get tested again 3-4 weeks into the new cycle. My goal is to have the two separate cycles and know what I should be using for Arimidex for each...
