low test, high tren cycle?


New member
ive been reading about these cycles and i was wondering has anyone tried this? does it make sense to use low test with tren? has anyone had libido problems?

my main question is how much is low for test and how high is for tren?

A lot of the bros have been running it like this. You won't have any libido issues. Just horny as usual on gear. Lol. Run your test at 250 and if it's your first run with tren then do tren ace at 350 to 400a week. If you're used to tren you should still at least start their and bump it up by a hundred every few weeks until you feel you found your magic number. Every one I have spoke with about this said they get far fewer sides. Test and tren fight for the same receptors anyway so this let's tren do it's job more efficiently. Just make sure you have an ai and a dopamine agonist
no its not my first run ,I usually have no sides from tren ,maybe insomnia frin time to time. how much AI do i use?
.5 of adex or 12.5 of asin will be plenty. You may even need to go lower, just keep an eye on it and make sure you have caber on hand
at 250mgs test.25dex or 12.5mg stane works great for me. i have run this with tren as high as, well very high. I also have prami on hand as well just in case of any sexual sides.
A lot of the bros have been running it like this. You won't have any libido issues. Just horny as usual on gear. Lol. Run your test at 250 and if it's your first run with tren then do tren ace at 350 to 400a week.

This would be a good place to start.....
my next run is 100mg drol 200mg test and 400mg tren so ill let you know how i go. i hear nothing but good things about low test high tren.
Last run, I did my 100mg per week TRT dose and 300mg per week Tren and I had great results. I didn't have libido issues but doesn't mean you wouldn't. You just have to see how you react. Some guys out there need the test dose a little higher than the tren if they do run in to those libido problems.
Low test, high tren= great gains, lower overall cost, what more can u ask for

For me it depends on if I'm going for a bulk or a cut. I get the same sides, not much, with my test higher or lower than my tren, but I definitely feel better, can eat more(low test kills my appetite) and honestly gain alittle more, with my test higher. Best tren cycle I've done was a gram of test and 600mg's of ace.

I really think its a personal thing, OP, try it with your test low and if you don't like it, can always bump it.
[.QUOTE=Matt0071;3472802]Low test, high tren= great gains, lower overall cost, what more can u ask for[/QUOTE]

My cycles of tren and prop cost me a fortune but once i I changed to Cyp it was better overall on the wallet. I was spending more on prop and tren then growth and cyp so now I've changed my drugs of choice. Same results, less abuse on the body, cheaper actually.
thanks for all the replys.

what i understood is that if a person wants more size go with higher test an if recomp is the case to go with higher tren even that is not a rule but mostly i see bros like it due to less sides and better overall recomp.

like i said ive always done high test and ,well tren up to 400mg :)

one more question: do i go with test e or prop cuz test e is cheaper alot, i have that test400mg/ml :)
what do you guys prefer?
.5 of adex or 12.5 of asin will be plenty. You may even need to go lower, just keep an eye on it and make sure you have caber on hand

yea 0.5mg ed or?

im using 0.25mg eod and was thinking to bump it 0.5mg eod to get dryer look but will stick to minimal as possible
at 250mgs test.25dex or 12.5mg stane works great for me. i have run this with tren as high as, well very high. I also have prami on hand as well just in case of any sexual sides.

did you go with 1 enanthate every week or? thats around 180mg of test
would 300mg prop be ok or do I stick with 1 test e 250/wk
High test med tren for casual use, winter cycle high tren higher test, contest prep little test and shit ton tren, me 1gtest 1.5 tren animal