Low Testosterone at 19 from steroids! dont know how to get it back up!


New member
hey ssup up guys, its almost been 3 months already since ive been having low testosterone. i took test 400 with tren and took shots for i think twice a week. all that started in sept of 2011 and stopped around jan 2012, a couple of weeks later I felt a decrease in sex drive, no morning wood, can't last, and barely have erections. any help?
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Damn son, all that shit in under a year? I just started my first cycle, and stories like this always serve as a good reminder for me to pace myself with this shit
All I can say is that ur stupid... Good luck and a lot of it is in ur head u should bounce right back ive been doing this shit for 13 + years and I call bull shit on this..
stupid for the shit that i took? i was relying on my brother since he used to take it before and "knew what he was doing" .. i honestly didnt think none of this shit was going to happen, i wouldve been more cautious about it. but when will i bounce right back?
Hello MBR and welcome to Ology!

You meesed up and you know it, lets put that behind us and move on to helping you if we may.

What you need to do right now is obtain some clomid! You can buy this from our research sponsor RUI and it is a legal product (for research)

Anyway take 50mg of clomid per day for 4 weeks wait two weeks and have your test levels checked again.

If the above does not help there are more aggressive treatments that we can look into but lets start with this since I t will help most of the guys in your situation.

Feel free to contact me via PM or email for more assistance after you do what I suggested.

Good luck bro and remember we are here to help you get back!
holy shit man, you are fucked up. you should go bitch slap your brother, then yourself for injecting shit into your body without knowing anything about it and just taking someone's word for it. hopefully you can get your test back up, but you may be fucked and need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of your life.... at 19 years old. this should be a sticky for all the morons who come in here not knowing shit, 18 years old and wanting to do steroids.
you need to shock your testicles to produce testosteorne again hit the weights and clomid, also having sex everyday just make even lower,lol.

what were your testosterone levels pre cycle? where you a healthy male? any health problems?
you need to shock your testicles to produce testosteorne again hit the weights and clomid, also having sex everyday just make even lower,lol.

what were your testosterone levels pre cycle? where you a healthy male? any health problems?
He did not do one bit a research so do you honestly think he got bloods? Ya man it was dumb on your part but oh well. Run wome clomid to maybe help with your hpta. Hopefully since your hpta was fully mature you didnt do permanent damage.
I already know what I did was all fucked up, so what do I take, just clomid and work out heavy again? I didn't shoot up for that long, and most of my bottles I shared with a friend. I really need to get back to normal, this shit is fucking horrible, you're saying I'm probably not?
I already know what I did was all fucked up, so what do I take, just clomid and work out heavy again? I didn't shoot up for that long, and most of my bottles I shared with a friend. I really need to get back to normal, this shit is fucking horrible, you're saying I'm probably not?

Squat heavy and use Compound Movements.Don't do too much.3 sets as a base.

You may want to read about

How To Increase Testosterone Naturally | Mark's Daily Apple

Take some Zinc and DAA ...

Wear loose pants and shorts..don't want too much heat at the balls sack.These are a few tips.

Are you shaving everyday ?
Squat heavy and use Compound Movements.Don't do too much.3 sets as a base.

You may want to read about

How To Increase Testosterone Naturally | Mark's Daily Apple

Take some Zinc and DAA ...

Wear loose pants and shorts..don't want too much heat at the balls sack.These are a few tips.

Are you shaving everyday ?

I hope that was a joke... Wear loose pants and you never need a PCT again...

Anyways, welcome to the boards my man. From 22-24 I cycled Test and Deca for 2 straight years just like you being very reckless. I stayed on cycle for 2 straight years. When it got to the point that I couldn't get my dick hard, while fucking a stripper of all people, I knew something had to be done fast. I stopped cycle and my dick was literally like a wet noodle for about 12 months or so. Just like you I was young, dumb, uninformed and thought I was invincible. I'm here to say you're not. You can and will fuck up your natural test production starting too young and being reckless. My natty test never fully recovered and this was 9-10 years ago. It does get better though my man. Listen to what Zeek suggested, he knows his shit. Get some clomid. Clomid will trick your nuts into producing more of your own natural testosterone. My test levels when off cycle now a days are around 450ng/dl. Not great but is fine. You need a PCT for everything you do. It's what will get you producing your own natural test again.

I wish you the best and make sure you periodically get blood work done to see if you are raising your test levels. While it is low you may not notice an increase until it gets high enough so bloods are IMPORTANT.

Good luck man, I've been there. It will get better.
You can thank your brother for the shit advice and fucking you up at 19 you should still be jerking your dik and playing video games not doing juice
I'm sure all you idiots who are bashing this kid have never made a mistake before.. Especially at 18.. If all he's doing is steroids at 18 he's still doing better than I was then. He could be in rehab or fucking robbing old ladies or some shit.

Don't listen to the nonsense man. You fucked up. Now lets fix it and don't make the mistake again. Learn from your experiences. That's what the members who know what they're talking about probably will say also. No one on here has done shit perfectly from day 1. Or if they have, please chime in...
Ill bash who I want and went I want dumb fuck. I did aas for 6 sraight year starying at 23 and I was fine went I went off cold turkey with never using anti-e. Ask any doc test is a liitle part of getting ur dick hard a lot of menal and med stuff going on..
Ill bash who I want and went I want dumb fuck. I did aas for 6 sraight year starying at 23 and I was fine went I went off cold turkey with never using anti-e. Ask any doc test is a liitle part of getting ur dick hard a lot of menal and med stuff going on..

I love online tough guys... "I'll bash who I want and went I want dumb fuck"

Do I need to continue quoting you?

Ok, I will. "I did aas for 6 sraight year starying at 23 and I
was fine I went off cold turkey with never using anti-e"

You have a lot of nerve referring to anyone as "dumb fuck"...
Ill bash who I want and went I want dumb fuck. I did aas for 6 sraight year starying at 23 and I was fine went I went off cold turkey with never using anti-e. Ask any doc test is a liitle part of getting ur dick hard a lot of menal and med stuff going on..

Soo.. You used aas from 23 to 29 and never used any pct what so ever. This kid did that exact same behavior for umm.. one month. You jump on him and you don't get why that's really funny?
MBR123, I'm not going to bash you one bit. I think you might be past the worst of the flaming now.

You are on EXACTLY the right track now. There's probably no place in the world to get better advice than here. And for having the guts to come and ask: Good on you.

Do plenty of research, but you'll probably end up going the clomid route. You will need to find out exactly what protocol, whether you should us other stuff with it (HCG maybe) and what you can expect.

I'm pretty sure you can recover from this. Take care.
Probably the opposite! You don't drain your T by having sex. You enhance production. (Just thinking about it helps - that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.)

getting aroused over busting the nut is different. jerking off lowers t, if you abstain for 7 day t will rise so shall simba,

any way op get a vagina implant your done.peace
I jumped on him bc its bullshit dumb fucks... Le..s see yall pic u little bitchs... Squirel pic or is that a rat?lol