New member
I'm going to throw my opinion into this since I've done bloodwork on clients dieting & staying at 5-7%bf plus used a few pct protocols.
As mega said, we gave no pre-diet bloodwork to compare with difficult to work out just how much damage, if any, the dieting did.
I'm interested in your weight, not bodyfat, weight - how much did you weigh pre-diet, after diet, right now?
T levels are linked to bodyweight, the less you weigh the lower your T will be.
My thinking is that you lost a significant amount of muscle following a low protein vegan diet, which means your overall weight may be less than what it pre-diet & your bf% is elevated due to muscle loss rather than exclusively due to weight gain.
As for how long it takes to recover, its usually equal to the time taken to cause the damage.
Had you stayed at maintenance after the diet then your body would've recovered fairly quickly but instead you followed the yo-yo model: 15%-5/7%-17% in a short space of time.
No one can really answer the how long to recover question because, as mega said, there are too many factors at play here.
In terms of pct help, your e2 is pretty low so I would avoid anything that will make this worse.
My opinion would be that you have to eat at maintenance, NOT a surplus, for a while with a healthy diet - none of this vegan bullshit - and see where your levels are in 2/3 months.
Weight pre diet:93 kg.
Current weight:90 kg.
Im pretty sure my test levels were very high before I started the diet. My erections were very hard, I often had Sex 3-4 times a day and jacked of a lot of cum each time.
I started diet and the trouble set in. Since I am in a caloric surplus my ejaculate volume have been increased and I felt much better.
Also my test levels are increasing. Slowly but they are.
I will stop worrying about things now. Im 100% sure the low test levels are due to my extreme diet.
Today I woke up and had morning wood. Im pretty sure I just need more time to recover.
Thanks for help.