New member
Unfortunately, I can't use Ultimate Life Vitality because I live in Canada... I think it's harder to get a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) up here. I've looked into doing a restart but my test level was this low even before I started using AAS so I think I'm naturally at this level. I've run a couple solid post cycle therapy (pct)s in the past but they've only brought me back to the low 300s, no higher.
I think I'm going to try the npp route. I'll shoot 100-150mg tonight, Thurs, Fri and then go for the blood test on Sat. Fri night I'll fast, drink, and stay up all night before the test. After the blood test, I'll wait a few days and then start a short clomid/nolva post cycle therapy (pct) to recover. I think this should get the job done. Hopefully it doesn't drop me too low though... A few shots of npp wouldn't show up on a blood test, would it?
Im very interested in how this will play out. If you would please add me to your friends or whatever so you dont forget me LOL and let me know how it works out for you. I m looking at testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) also but Im still finishing up a cycle so Itll have to wait. I believe my insurance will cover this also. So I certainly would appreciate it if you would keep me in the loop on this. Thanks! Stupid question but what is npp?