Lowering Testosterone Levels Before a Blood Test


New member
If someone were to do a 5 week cycle of methylstenbolone (oral compound, 9 hr half life), wait 1 week, and get a hormone panel done, would the results indicate low levels of testosterone? If so, would those levels be low enough to warrant testosterone replacement therapy?

Doctors are generally not retarded. How are you going to explain why your LH and FSH are shut down completely?
I will be kind here...Please! For the love of Pete! Don't be stupid. It is a BAD idea for you from a health standpoint. Number 2- it is already hard enough for a lot of Drs to get past the stigma of a male patient wanting "roids". Don't add to that stigma. It may turn around and bite you in the arse one day if you legitamitely need therapy.

What we want is the primary care community to shuck the BS stigma associated with Test and be smart about age management medicine.
I will be kind here...Please! For the love of Pete! Don't be stupid. It is a BAD idea for you from a health standpoint. Number 2- it is already hard enough for a lot of Drs to get past the stigma of a male patient wanting "roids". Don't add to that stigma. It may turn around and bite you in the arse one day if you legitamitely need therapy.

What we want is the primary care community to shuck the BS stigma associated with Test and be smart about age management medicine.

yes, you might just further compromise your health and your doctors won't even give you test. It could be permanent too. Some guy wanted to take birth control to lower his test to get on TRT. Birth control permanently increases shbg in women.
I'll just answer the guys question.

Yes, more then likely your testosterone levels will be low. Small possibility your levels could be in low normal range, but very unlikely.