So I'm on d-bol and Test-E 300. It's my very first cycle and I'm pretty hyped about it. I'm injecting .5ml once a week. I'm in my second week now so I've only injected twice. The first time was in my right glute and I developed a hard lump that lasted about 9 days. It wasn't red or anything. Just tender. I believe it happened because I only put half the needle in (1 inch 25g needle). So on my second injection (right delt) I used a 1 inch 25g and I made sure I pushed it in all the way so I could make sure it was in the muscle. I cleaned the vial and the injection site well and I massaged it for about 30 minutes after. Here I am 4 days later and and a couple inches below where I injected, I have a red mark (kind of looks like a rash) and a solid lump that is pretty painful and frustrating. Where am I going wrong here? What can I do/change in order to prevent these lumps and reddening of skin? Warming the test? Injecting slower? (I push it all in in about 10 seconds with a 25 gauge). Any advice would be most appreciated.