M -drol cycle with Novedex xt for pCT


New member
Basically heres the cut fellows. Ran a 1 month cycle of m-drol (superdrol) for a month gained about 20 lbs and strength went way up. Have been of the drol for almost a month and didnt have money for post cycle therapy (pct). At this point would novedex xt still be good to use for post cycle therapy (pct), or is it to late. I have noticed the general area to be a little tighter.
Well im not too familiar with superdrol but if it made your boys shrink up. You mite need something stronger than novedex xt. But then again i dont know much about that either.
Basically heres the cut fellows. Ran a 1 month cycle of m-drol (superdrol) for a month gained about 20 lbs and strength went way up. Have been of the drol for almost a month and didnt have money for post cycle therapy (pct). At this point would novedex xt still be good to use for post cycle therapy (pct), or is it to late. I have noticed the general area to be a little tighter.

You waited a month before you decided to do PCT after an oral only cycle??? It's people like you that give steroids a bad name.
... that didnt really help as I indicated in the post I didnt have the money and it wasnt dbol or something illegal. So do you im good to go. Also can novedex lower DHT?