M1A cycle and Raloxifene PCT advice


New member
So I just got finished with a M1Alpha prohormone cycle. In regards of strength and aesthetics I would say I had some decent results. To bring it back to the beginning...
I wanted to run something and was leaning towards getting gear and doing it the right way, for many reasons. Out of impulse and lack of thought I was approached with the prohormone DMZ and bought it. It was Centurion Labs War Demonz , I started taking that. Two weeks in I realized I wasn't getting the results I had thought I'd get.

I had done previous prohormones and this wasn't up to par. I then learned of M1Alpha. I ordered it and then started taking both together. About a week into running them together I dropped the DMZ. I took 40mg of m1a for a month. The whole time my liver and kidneys were dying. I've been bloated, loss of appetite, back pumps, all that. The side effects sucked. I got a liver support and taurine about halfway through and that helped somewhat. I still the whole way through had very little appetite. I stopped 3 days ago and started the Raloxifene 24 hours after. 60mg a day , one 30mg in the morning and one in the evening. I'm now on day three of Raloxifene. I'm still bloated as hell (stomach area) and having not much of an appetite. Luckily the back pumps have faded. I'm wondering what you guys think? I'm hoping that if I just keep taking this Raloxifene the bloating and stuff will just kinda go away.

My dick and libido are workin, in the gym I'm feeling decent, not the same edge I had on m1a but I think the Raloxifene is working in regards of helping stimulate my natural test again. I don't know why I'm so bloated still I don't think that my estrogen should be high, I would think the ralox would keep that low... idk guys what do you think? I'm still pretty noob to this shit . I hate side effects tho , makes me wanna stay away from orals and pros in the future.
what where your gains? losses? and you have shared NO stats, how old are you, weight, height, bf%, cycle history etc. have you done blood works to see your levels?