M1T--- What?


New member

I need to know this products official name that is on the Label.

Who makes this stuff?

Who sells this Stuff?

What is the average price "YOU" would be looking for?

What kind of delivery system does this supplement offer?

I don't fear failure. I only fear the slowing up of the engine inside of me which is pounding, saying, "Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?"

--- General George S. Patton
17aa Methyl-1-Testosterone is a research chemical.

It is bio-available orally. Used for building big steers,pitbulls,etc.

A qualified researcher would probably find it sold in 10mg doses

for approx. a buck a piece.

Is that all.

Why would someone like you waste $70 for 10mg of 1-Test

Don't understand.

Is 10mg of M1T = 100mg of 1-T ester or ether?
Got your point....

I needed to start an argument to prove the forum is corrupted with partisan individuals connected
to pushing products from a manufacturer they are in-bed with.

Your right in a sense that I was a little idiotic to continue to argue though I needed to exploit a fraud brewing up that is too common among supplement forums.

Methy-1-T is a good product offering greater results then 1-T powder alone although, 100mg from the following companies will result in about 80-85% bio-availability:

Nutrex 1-TU
Biotest Mag10
Molecular 1-T ester & ether

80-10 = 70mg more then M1T and that is a fact

It is coming to be known maximize gains using 1-T one must have 100-200mg in your body that is fully available and not wasted.

What does this mean...

Ya, maybe you do need 400-600mg of 1-T powder
or Two servings of Molecular 1-T esterJELL or 1-TU from Nutrex.

These two examples will give you your minimum dose of 100mg-150mg compared
to M1T’s two servings of 20mg.

If all two servings 20mg of M1T’s gets into your system Scott free without losing a gram,
then that is all your getting 20mg.

20mg of Methyl doesn’t mean you’ve achieved the appropriate dosage no matter how strong Methyl is- your only getting 10-20mg per serving.

I’m not arguing the potency of Methyl 1-T. It is simply not enough to achieve maximum gains like:

VPX 1-Test
Molecular 1-T ester or ether
Nutrex 1-TU

The fraud is exposed, Lega1 Gear, “The spin STOPS here!”
LoL... and no science to back up a word you say, brilliant.
are u going to start this stuff on every board u frequent bro???? u keep getting the same answer bro so re-evaluate ur theory and do the research and u will see how stupid this sounds what u are saying. once again apples to oranges!!!!!!!!! please do the research bro, please!!!! and do not say u get it cause u don't!!!! so just research 17aa methylation!!!!
I guess 25-30 mg/day of D-Bol is useless also??

Also, if someone asks where to find a certain product, I will tell them. That doesen't mean I'm promoting a particular product or company.

I haven't used Methyl 1-Test yet. But, based on reviews from knowlegeable people, I would think it is far superior to any other oral "legal" product.

Also 80% absorbtion of a non-methylated 1-Test product is bullshit.
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Oh and how about this thread:




And the e-mails you sent me asking for info:

I don't have time for someones fuckin' surveys, trying to figure out which board is pimping so and so's products. I don't think you'll find a lot of that here anyway.
I call it like I see it from either my experience or my opinion based on research.

I will help anyone who asks me for help or an opinion, but don't waste my fuckin' time.

You need to stop jurking off and pay a little more attention to your girl before she finds dick somewhere else.

"Don't waste my time."

Who the fuck do you think you are?
Look Bro, you asked for info and I told you what I know both in this thread and another one where you were asking about 1-test.
I gave you info via e-mail on something I know first hand that works.
You can search any board I'm a member of and you won't find me in a flame war or pimping anyone's products. Like I said, I call it like I see it based on my own personal knowledge or research.
Now if I can help you, let me know and I'll be glad to.
Otherwise, I've got nothing else to say in this thread.
OK, lets give this love-affair another try.

Serious though;

The forums are implying that Methyl 1-T products are
superior to 1-Test products out in the USA.


Is there really scientific data that confirms these statements
besides the company promoting the product or someone affiliated
with that particular product (Methyl 1-T)?

Your honest opinion:

What is your opinion about American companies not wanting to produce such a strong compound to market for its TRUE value?

Do you think that Methylated 1-Test came out prematurely being that
there are impurities and side-affects to the product?

Do you think this is because PH's are under attack from the United
States Legislation?
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First off , cool, no harm no foul. I'm goin through post cycle therapy (pct) myself.
My honest opinion is just that, my opinion.
Is there scientific data?? I doubt it for Methyl 1-test. Probably the only scientific studies period for 1-test were done in the 60's and it was basically shelved and not heard of until Pat Arnold released 1-AD a few years ago.

I think methylating a particular compound changes it chemically, and in the case of 1-test makes it a vastly superior product to ANY oral PH or steroid (1-test is a steroid by the way)
An example is Methyltestosterone or Dianabol.
If these were not methylated, you could take 500 mg/day of these compounds orally and not see shit for results because they would be basically destroyed by your liver.
If you look at the most popular steroids, they are either methylated (Dianabol) or have had an ester attached and made into an injectable (test cypionate or enenthate, nandrolone decoanate, etc)
However you will have the same issues with elevated liver values and possible damage from long term use if you belive that theory, which I tend to believe myself.

I agree with your views on Boards in general and some do promote certain products. I can't say with certainty its the greatest product ever, hell i haven't even used it yet.
I do think its a good idea in theory and don't see how it wouldn't be far superior to any other oral and for a lot less $$ in the long run. If I decide to try it which I probably will, it would be to "jump start" a cycle of long ester injectables.
I do personally think injectable 1-test cypionate is the best overall "legal" product you can get and use for any extended length of time.

What is your opinion about American companies not wanting to produce such a strong compound to market for its TRUE value?

I think "most" mainstream supplement compaines have been afraid to take such a step. And there are others who know they can make a lot of money by charging outrageous prices for inferior products.

Do you think that Methylated 1-Test came out prematurely being that there are impurities and side-affects to the product?

I don't have first hand knowledge of any testing done on it. If you have seen it and it has been found to have impurities, I would like to know where to read on it.
As far as being pre-mature, its probably now or never for these type products as a whole, especially 1-test. I'd be suprised if its not a scheduled drug soon.
Yellow J

can you expound on M1 test?

I cannot tell how much is hype or what not, so please fill be in =-)