First off , cool, no harm no foul. I'm goin through post cycle therapy (pct) myself.
My honest opinion is just that, my opinion.
Is there scientific data?? I doubt it for Methyl 1-test. Probably the only scientific studies period for 1-test were done in the 60's and it was basically shelved and not heard of until Pat Arnold released 1-AD a few years ago.
I think methylating a particular compound changes it chemically, and in the case of 1-test makes it a vastly superior product to ANY oral PH or steroid (1-test is a steroid by the way)
An example is Methyltestosterone or Dianabol.
If these were not methylated, you could take 500 mg/day of these compounds orally and not see shit for results because they would be basically destroyed by your liver.
If you look at the most popular steroids, they are either methylated (Dianabol) or have had an ester attached and made into an injectable (test cypionate or enenthate, nandrolone decoanate, etc)
However you will have the same issues with elevated liver values and possible damage from long term use if you belive that theory, which I tend to believe myself.
I agree with your views on Boards in general and some do promote certain products. I can't say with certainty its the greatest product ever, hell i haven't even used it yet.
I do think its a good idea in theory and don't see how it wouldn't be far superior to any other oral and for a lot less $$ in the long run. If I decide to try it which I probably will, it would be to "jump start" a cycle of long ester injectables.
I do personally think injectable 1-test cypionate is the best overall "legal" product you can get and use for any extended length of time.
What is your opinion about American companies not wanting to produce such a strong compound to market for its TRUE value?
I think "most" mainstream supplement compaines have been afraid to take such a step. And there are others who know they can make a lot of money by charging outrageous prices for inferior products.
Do you think that Methylated 1-Test came out prematurely being that there are impurities and side-affects to the product?
I don't have first hand knowledge of any testing done on it. If you have seen it and it has been found to have impurities, I would like to know where to read on it.
As far as being pre-mature, its probably now or never for these type products as a whole, especially 1-test. I'd be suprised if its not a scheduled drug soon.