Started a 20/30/40/50/60/60 cycle today
Started a 20/30/40/50/60/60 cycle today
Keep us informed. Have you gone six weeks before? Have you gone up to 60mgs daily prior?
I'm sure you probably mentioned it somewhere in this thread, but this thread has taken on a life of its own at this point. LoL
Good luck.
I'm up 4 solid lbs already. Strength increasing as well. Libido up.
Nice job PA! Thanks for the update bro and great idea on the 6 week plan, peaking at 60mg/day, thats definetly what I would do if running Epi. Now, what type of diet are you running (cutter, maint, clean bulk-high cal, etc..)?? And what training are you doing?
This is something I've recently recommend my brother try (as he's more into the "legal" stuff) and recently noticed alot of suppliers on line either list it as OUT OF STOCK, HURRY-LIMITED SUPPLIES, or some even don't list it anymore.
Is this due to the recent popularity and no worries?? or is it due to the "rumor" I heard last month that the FDA/DEA sent letters urging companies to STOP making it to avoid legal action/bans??
PA is Epistane very good alone? Also is the post cycle therapy (pct) on the SOM site good enough and how long after the cycle would you start your post cycle therapy (pct) with this?