macro ratio that important?


New member
does it really matter what percentage of your calories come from what? obviously im not saying eating only fat to hit your calorie goal, but is the whole 40/40/20 etc really that important?

im currently getting around 3500 on a bulk, around 450 carbs, 150 protein and 100 fats. does it really matter how you get your calories? :dunno:
each macro plays a role in your body.. i would drop your carbs by 75g and increase your protein by that much

as a rule of thumb if your carbs are high you can get away with eating a little less protein.. and vice versa
each macro plays a role in your body.. i would drop your carbs by 75g and increase your protein by that much

as a rule of thumb if your carbs are high you can get away with eating a little less protein.. and vice versa

Yea but isn't your body more concerned about overall calories regardless of macro ratios whether bulking or cutting
You are bigger than me from your avi and 3500 calories would put me in deficit , I am having a hard time gaining anything with a diet over 4000
You are bigger than me from your avi and 3500 calories would put me in deficit , I am having a hard time gaining anything with a diet over 4000

yea may bump to 4k lol. just not a firm believer on the massive protein anymore, so im taking in around 200g, sometimes less. trying to figure out a ration for macros. right now its something like 60/20/20. but damn at 4k thats like 600 carbs lol!
Yea but isn't your body more concerned about overall calories regardless of macro ratios whether bulking or cutting

No because the monomeric subunits of said macros play unique roles in your body's overall physiology (e.g. amino acids vs fatty acids vs monosaccharides) - that's why it's important to concern yourself with macro ratios.
No because the monomeric subunits of said macros play unique roles in your body's overall physiology (e.g. amino acids vs fatty acids vs monosaccharides) - that's why it's important to concern yourself with macro ratios.

yes but im thinking a majority should be carbs, no more than 200g protein, and around 100-120 fat
it depends on what type of diet you are using, your goals, and the intensity of your activity. Higher intensity exercises require more CHO while lower intensity exercise use fat as the primary fuel, but protein should be sufficient no matter what type of diet to maintain nitrogen balance and prevent loss of LBM. yes, a higher calorie diet is beneficial to gain weight, but and high fat/low carb/moderate protein diet will not have the same effects of a low fat/high carb/high protein diet. More importantly is timing and combinations of macronutrients since they each play a role on hormonal responses. Also, if your workouts are not intense enough, you run the risk of calories being stored as fat instead of being used to build muscle. High carb diets typically provide energy to lift heavy to stimulate anabolic hormonal responses.
Lack of amino acids. Also I don't know what your saturated fat intake is if its not enough your restricting how much natty test you can produce since natty production depends on saturated fats. Its not as simple as black and white buddy if you feel comfortable at 200g then all the more power to you. I doby put any of my male clients under 250
Lack of amino acids. Also I don't know what your saturated fat intake is if its not enough your restricting how much natty test you can produce since natty production depends on saturated fats. Its not as simple as black and white buddy if you feel comfortable at 200g then all the more power to you. I doby put any of my male clients under 250

Explain how prisoners get jacked then?. Of course not all of them but there are some. Are you telling me they get their body weight in protein on a daily basis, let alone 250g. Just sayin I feel its more about overall calories. I'm not sayin get all your cals from fat/carbs but I think the whole protein thing is overrated
Never said you wouldnt grow just said your limiting yourself and possibly slowing your growth

You've taken a firm stance and this has been a good discussion. I'd like to see more threads like this in Tue diet section
I'm at 290lbs right now getting ready for a powwrlifting meet locally. I wouldn't have done it at 200g of protien
I'm at 290lbs right now getting ready for a powwrlifting meet locally. I wouldn't have done it at 200g of protien
lol but i bet u could have. and damn youre a big boy!

Never said you wouldnt grow just said your limiting yourself and possibly slowing your growth

You've taken a firm stance and this has been a good discussion. I'd like to see more threads like this in Tue diet section

yea it is interesting. i just feel like i dont need all this protein. ive always been so concerned about it, but not anymore. ive put on 5lbs+ so far in my bulk without all the protein.
each macro plays a role in your body.. i would drop your carbs by 75g and increase your protein by that much

as a rule of thumb if your carbs are high you can get away with eating a little less protein.. and vice versa

Macro ratios seem like they would go out the window on HIGH calorie diets wouldnt they?

I mean, if someone were to BULK on 5k calories (I need that many atleast I have found) that would be 500carbs and 500protein! That seem mega high on protein am I rite?