Made a mistake, asking for advice on bloodwork results


New member
Hey all

When i was aged 18, after 2 years of natural weightlifting, I made a very ignorant mistake and ran the 500mg test e cycle along with AI (arimedix) and clomid only for PCT, i did a second same cycle a year later at age 19. Looking back now I was very stupid and impatient regarding my decision to use AAS at such an early age with insufficient knowledge regarding dieting and training. First of all before i get into my present state i would like to reconfirm all the info on this forum thats strongly advises against AAS usage before fully developing, as the long term side effects that i now have to deal on a daily basis could have been easily avoided if i had been patient and put off AAS use. Although my first Test e cycle did result in decent gains, i could have made the same gains with proper diet and training without all the problems that i now experience, so if you are considering AAS use in your late teens PLEASE DONT, this is coming from someone who is talking from experience.

you name it: brain fog (all the time!), constant fatigue even after a full nights rest, hard time gaining or maintaning muscle, on and off libido issues. Low motivation (horrible to have in your 20s).Getting sick a few times a year, poor immune function.

during my first few years of university, i stopped working out and eating well, during that time i formed many harmful habits such as smoking, getting little sleep, and eating junk food daily. However, it has been a year and i have corrected my bad habits, i train 5x a week with cardio, i quit smoking, and I eat a healthy surplus of calories (no more junkfood). Id say right now i have the healthiest habits ive ever had in my whole in life. Even after these adjustments i noticed i still had many of symptoms i detailed above so I did some research and realized that the cycle I had run earlier at an early age could be the cause of all this, so i went to the doctor and asked for blood work.

Bloodwork information and results:

This was my first time getting bloodwork, so i didnt know what to ask the doctor for and when was the proper time to get the blood drawn. The blood was drawn around 2pm, now i know that instead it should be done first thing in the morning. The next bloodwork that i will be getting done will also include LH, prolactin, estraordial, t3, and t4, and free testosterone.

Here are the main results from my first blood results:
TSH 2.83 - reference range (0.32-5.04 mU/L)
Total Testosterone: 14.9 or 440 converted - reference range (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)

Questions for you guys:

Am i completely screwed? the next blood work i will ask for other values such as LH to be determined in order to see if i have primary or secondary hypogonadism.

Also for my fellow canadians, what should i specifically ask the doctor in order to get all values tested, and how do i go about finding a well informed doctor, should i go to a hormone clinic or try to get referred to an endocrinologist?

Has any body else experienced something similiar to my case and have had a successful restart? I really want to avoid TRT treatment at such an early age.

Im in college right now and have researched that stress or depression could be the cause of my low T, and vice versa so i will continue to look for more work done. I also think i might have sleep apnea as i wake up continously throughout the night so i will try to arrange for a sleep study done.

Thank you all for your time, and again do not use steroids at an early age or you could end up in the same predicament im in.
You are not hypogonadal or even borderline hypogonadal. Too bad you don't have Natty Baseline results though to see if your TT has decreased.

You may just want to run PCT to try and see if it helps your HPTA.
Hey all

When i was aged 18, after 2 years of natural weightlifting, I made a very ignorant mistake and ran the 500mg test e cycle along with AI (arimedix) and clomid only for PCT, i did a second same cycle a year later at age 19. Looking back now I was very stupid and impatient regarding my decision to use AAS at such an early age with insufficient knowledge regarding dieting and training. First of all before i get into my present state i would like to reconfirm all the info on this forum thats strongly advises against AAS usage before fully developing, as the long term side effects that i now have to deal on a daily basis could have been easily avoided if i had been patient and put off AAS use. Although my first Test e cycle did result in decent gains, i could have made the same gains with proper diet and training without all the problems that i now experience, so if you are considering AAS use in your late teens PLEASE DONT, this is coming from someone who is talking from experience.

you name it: brain fog (all the time!), constant fatigue even after a full nights rest, hard time gaining or maintaning muscle, on and off libido issues. Low motivation (horrible to have in your 20s).Getting sick a few times a year, poor immune function.

during my first few years of university, i stopped working out and eating well, during that time i formed many harmful habits such as smoking, getting little sleep, and eating junk food daily. However, it has been a year and i have corrected my bad habits, i train 5x a week with cardio, i quit smoking, and I eat a healthy surplus of calories (no more junkfood). Id say right now i have the healthiest habits ive ever had in my whole in life. Even after these adjustments i noticed i still had many of symptoms i detailed above so I did some research and realized that the cycle I had run earlier at an early age could be the cause of all this, so i went to the doctor and asked for blood work.

Bloodwork information and results:

This was my first time getting bloodwork, so i didnt know what to ask the doctor for and when was the proper time to get the blood drawn. The blood was drawn around 2pm, now i know that instead it should be done first thing in the morning. The next bloodwork that i will be getting done will also include LH, prolactin, estraordial, t3, and t4, and free testosterone.

Here are the main results from my first blood results:
TSH 2.83 - reference range (0.32-5.04 mU/L)
Total Testosterone: 14.9 or 440 converted - reference range (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)

Questions for you guys:

Am i completely screwed? the next blood work i will ask for other values such as LH to be determined in order to see if i have primary or secondary hypogonadism.

Also for my fellow canadians, what should i specifically ask the doctor in order to get all values tested, and how do i go about finding a well informed doctor, should i go to a hormone clinic or try to get referred to an endocrinologist?

Has any body else experienced something similiar to my case and have had a successful restart? I really want to avoid TRT treatment at such an early age.

Im in college right now and have researched that stress or depression could be the cause of my low T, and vice versa so i will continue to look for more work done. I also think i might have sleep apnea as i wake up continously throughout the night so i will try to arrange for a sleep study done.

Thank you all for your time, and again do not use steroids at an early age or you could end up in the same predicament im in.

my test levels at 1pm were about 30% worse then in morning so yours could easily be about 570-600 morning which is perfectly fine... something else is happening I don't think it's even from cycle...
Hey all

When i was aged 18, after 2 years of natural weightlifting, I made a very ignorant mistake and ran the 500mg test e cycle along with AI (arimedix) and clomid only for PCT, i did a second same cycle a year later at age 19. Looking back now I was very stupid and impatient regarding my decision to use AAS at such an early age with insufficient knowledge regarding dieting and training. First of all before i get into my present state i would like to reconfirm all the info on this forum thats strongly advises against AAS usage before fully developing, as the long term side effects that i now have to deal on a daily basis could have been easily avoided if i had been patient and put off AAS use. Although my first Test e cycle did result in decent gains, i could have made the same gains with proper diet and training without all the problems that i now experience, so if you are considering AAS use in your late teens PLEASE DONT, this is coming from someone who is talking from experience.

you name it: brain fog (all the time!), constant fatigue even after a full nights rest, hard time gaining or maintaning muscle, on and off libido issues. Low motivation (horrible to have in your 20s).Getting sick a few times a year, poor immune function.

during my first few years of university, i stopped working out and eating well, during that time i formed many harmful habits such as smoking, getting little sleep, and eating junk food daily. However, it has been a year and i have corrected my bad habits, i train 5x a week with cardio, i quit smoking, and I eat a healthy surplus of calories (no more junkfood). Id say right now i have the healthiest habits ive ever had in my whole in life. Even after these adjustments i noticed i still had many of symptoms i detailed above so I did some research and realized that the cycle I had run earlier at an early age could be the cause of all this, so i went to the doctor and asked for blood work.

Bloodwork information and results:

This was my first time getting bloodwork, so i didnt know what to ask the doctor for and when was the proper time to get the blood drawn. The blood was drawn around 2pm, now i know that instead it should be done first thing in the morning. The next bloodwork that i will be getting done will also include LH, prolactin, estraordial, t3, and t4, and free testosterone.

Here are the main results from my first blood results:
TSH 2.83 - reference range (0.32-5.04 mU/L)
Total Testosterone: 14.9 or 440 converted - reference range (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)

Questions for you guys:

Am i completely screwed? the next blood work i will ask for other values such as LH to be determined in order to see if i have primary or secondary hypogonadism.

Also for my fellow canadians, what should i specifically ask the doctor in order to get all values tested, and how do i go about finding a well informed doctor, should i go to a hormone clinic or try to get referred to an endocrinologist?

Has any body else experienced something similiar to my case and have had a successful restart? I really want to avoid TRT treatment at such an early age.

Im in college right now and have researched that stress or depression could be the cause of my low T, and vice versa so i will continue to look for more work done. I also think i might have sleep apnea as i wake up continously throughout the night so i will try to arrange for a sleep study done.

Thank you all for your time, and again do not use steroids at an early age or you could end up in the same predicament im in.
Welcome and thanks for sharing and manning up. Hope the younger lads pay this some mind and wait till their physically matured before they get into aas.
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yea.. i dont see an issue with your labs.. youre WNL..

at your age i had test levels of 280.. now i was hypo.. without any aas use..
You will probably feel just fine if you lesssen your credit load, start working out again and banging hot college chicks. Blood work looks just fine, tt would be more tested first thing in the morning. No need for trt, at least not for another 10 plus years bro. Just enjoy life
You will probably feel just fine if you lesssen your credit load, start working out again and banging hot college chicks. Blood work looks just fine, tt would be more tested first thing in the morning. No need for trt, at least not for another 10 plus years bro. Just enjoy life

I concur, I always feel better after banging a hot college chick. I consider it abdominal work. I always have tight abbs the day after. My only problem is as I get older, I'm having trouble finding hot college chicks who want to fuck a 56 yo man. I always tell them I'm filthy rich and flash cash, but even at that the pickings are getting slim. :(
you name it: brain fog (all the time!), constant fatigue even after a full nights rest, hard time gaining or maintaning muscle, on and off libido issues. Low motivation (horrible to have in your 20s).Getting sick a few times a year, poor immune function.

Low T symptoms does not mean you have low T , especially looking at your blood work and seeing your levels is completely normal .

no different then having a headache as a symptom does not mean you have a brain tumor as a cause . plenty of things cause headaches . plenty of things cause "low t" symptoms , not just low T.

again , you blood work shows that you don't have low t or are hypo . may want to look into other possible causes for your symptoms
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to this post, im guessing i was just overthinking the lab results, nevertheless its safe to say ill be staying away from AAS till im much older. Ill go and get a second blood lab done just to be sure.

Thanks again!
Try getting at least 15 minutes per day of direct sunlight exposure with no shirt on. Try this for 7 days straight and you should feel a big difference.

And make sure you are taking a good multi-vitamin. And take Liv 52 6 pills per day for 3 months
Honestly, none of your symptoms are related to running test at that age. The only reason not to run test before you are mid 20's is because your natural test levels are generally high enough to yield great gains with proper nutrition and workout regime. Regardless of age, you can potentially shut down your ability to ever recover and produce test naturally again. All other side effects of AAS usage is possible at any age. My only regret to having ran AAS at an early age is that I had no idea what I was doing. Had I know then what I know now, I honestly don't see a problem.
I'm telling you this to ease your mind brotha. You didn't do anything that is going to cause your life to suck. Your issues are coming from something else. Judging by your lifestyle mentioned above, I am going to guess STRESS!