
i personnally have done two cycles of this crap last year! for me it was a waste. the first cycle i used the reccomended dose, and got all the shitty sides ( pimples ) and maybe 2 lbs of mean mass. not very enthusiastic about that. than my bro used it with twice the dosage and had better results he gained 5 lbs of mass and had the face of a 16 year old mcdonalds employee. since my face was allready tore up i opted to do the same, why not right , it worked decent but was worth to me about 1/4 f what i payed for it considering results. if you have the cash double it up.and eat like a mad man!!! ( thats were youll make out ) for me any ways it seemed while i was drinking that garbage my appetite was uncanny! so i trained hard to balance it out and thats more than likely were i gained any lbm.

good luck man! everyone has different experiences with all supps so hopefully it will work out for you. you allready bought it so do the best u can.

I am currently on my second cycle of MAG10, no side effects, up 9 pounds in 5 1/2 weeks. In the 2 weeks off time I have been on Tribex500. I would recommend as that is the cheapest place I could find it. Im getting good results with MAG 10. I eat about 3500 cals a day with 250 gms + of protien, normal carb intake. In the 2 weeks off I didnt lose any weight either.
If you want more info, email me or pm me.... I'll hook you up with some more info.
---As far as tednatas' opinion.... He bashes and talks shit how all supps are bullshit. What the Fuck ever bro. Obviously if you take supps correctly and eat right you will make gains and progress. Also, stay off the alcholhol during the cycles. Of course much more gain from juice, but for me right now I am learning all I can before I try it, thats part of the reason Im on this board.