Major Announcement Regarding our Peptides! As Low as 50 - 70% OFF!


You read that right, we have lowered our peptide prices!

We wish to thank you for your patronage. With over 10 years in this business with continued growth, we have reached a quantity of purchasing that has allowed us to negotiate even lower pricing with our peptide manufacturer due to the increased quantity of peptides we now purchase. Rather than exploit this decreased cost and simply increase our profit we have decided to pass the entire savings along to you, our customers, the ones who have made this savings possible. We sincerely thank you for your patronage which has fostered our continued growth.

Same great quality for less!

You read that right, we have lowered our peptide prices!

We wish to thank you for your patronage. With over 10 years in this business with continued growth, we have reached a quantity of purchasing that has allowed us to negotiate even lower pricing with our peptide manufacturer due to the increased quantity of peptides we now purchase. Rather than exploit this decreased cost and simply increase our profit we have decided to pass the entire savings along to you, our customers, the ones who have made this savings possible. We sincerely thank you for your patronage which has fostered our continued growth.


Low, Low Prices!
Yeah some companies mistakenly think cjc w/o dac is he same as mod grf 1-29, but it isnt. Gets confusing but RUI sells the stuff right so at least they know what the heck they are selling!!

These have confuse of me also!

But of these peptides mention, which is the best?
I want to order a few things because this price drop let me some extra spending : )
Thank you
These have confuse of me also!

But of these peptides mention, which is the best?
I want to order a few things because this price drop let me some extra spending : )
Thank you

Id suggest Mod GRF 1-29 personally and I would stack it with GHRP2 if cutting or GHRP6 if bulking. You could also stack it with say Ipamorelin regardless of cutting or bulking.
From another forum. He color codes everything and goes deep into the science of it all. I grabbed some good snippets. He says what JimiThing said but with explanations.

What is CJC-1295, CJC-1293, GRF(1-29), Sermorelin and modified GRF(1-29)?
In short they are all forms of GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone).

What are GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, Hexarelin?
In short they are all forms of GHRPs (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides, Ghrelin-mimetics)

How do I chose? What do I do?
Step one: You NEVER know when somatostatin is going to act [Yes but Dat do I ever need to inject Somatostatin? No... not in our world...don't interupt please.] Again since you don't know if somatostatin is around you are rolling the dice by injecting GHRH. There will be zero GH release if somatostatin is around and only some if somatostatin is just starting up or just diminishing. Only if you are lucky to inject when somatostatin is gone will there be decent GH release. To overcome this, very large amounts say 2mg (2000mcg) are sometimes used. Injecting GHRH alone is not very effective.

Step two: Choose a GHRP because it can always cause GH release on its own and make the environment safe for GHRH.

Step three: Choose a GHRH to add to the GHRP because it will synergisticly amplify the GH pulse.

Step four: Choose a dosing schedule. If once a day do it pre-bed. If twice a day then do it pre-bed and post workout (PWO). If three times a day do it pre-bed, PWO and in the morning.
How many times can I dose before I lose pulsation? Six (6) a day every 3 hours
How few times can I do it for some better sleep, small anti-aging effect? Just pre-bed.

Step five: Assess tolerance by dosing just once w/ a GHRP pre-bed at half of saturation dose. Then if that goes well go to full saturation dose. If that goes well add a 2nd dosing, If that is fine add a third dosing.

Step six: Decide on a dose. Saturation dose is defined as either 100mcg or 1mcg/kg of bodyweight in the studies. For the most part it is treated as 100mcg. That is the same for women and men. You will get added but diminishing benefit by dosing 200mcg, 300mcg perhaps 400mcg. A fuller explanation on why is available on the forum, here - Datbtrue

What do you want?
You want the pure peptide part that was used in the third analog. You want those 4 modifications because they make what is essentially GHRH last for 30 minutes or more. This is a fine peptide to contribute to a GH pulse. This I call modified GRF(1-29). Since it is basically a 30 minute plus lasting GHRH I color it green.

Which GHRP?
GHRP-6 is sloppier in that it activates a wider array of effects beyond GH release. It causes intense hunger and gastic motility. It can have a mild effect on cortisol and prolactin. It is a first generation GHRP.

GHRP-2 is less sloppy with a more intense GH release, no gastric motility and less hunger effect. It can have an effect within the normal range on prolcatin and cortisol. It is a second generation peptide.

Ipamorelin is not sloppy at all. It does not release as much GH as GHRP-2 but it causes virtually no hunger or gastric motility and for the most part does not effect cortisol or prolactin. It is a third generation peptide
You would choose GHRP-2 unless you wanted GHRP-6 for the hunger effect or for the lower release profiles.
You would choose GHRP-2 normally as the most bang for the buck.
If you are very sensitive to perturbations in cortisol or prolactin you would choose the more expensive Ipamorelin.

I Datrius B. True use either GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin with modified GRF(1-29) I usually rotate around.