makinf fina filter.

i have another thing of oil from my other 6 gram kit, should i jsut add the oil since it already sterile and try to get 80 ml's thanks
You need to enter the wonderful world of mathematics. you know how many grams you started with, and you also know what concentration your after. Those two will give way to the total volume your looking for.
the prob is if you lost 27ml you prolly lost the equivemlant amount of hormone as well. one reason i do not coffee filters is cause they soak up as lot of solution if you dont pre soak them in oil.

but 27ml is a lot to lose. someting aint adding up. a 4g kit will yield about 53 ml at 75mg/ml. even with the added 2g of hormone and figuring a small loss during processing this sounds like you. did you have a 6g kit?
if you used 6g of pellets and eneded up that much short then you prolly had a 4g kit as ida mentioned. thats my first thought. 27ml is a lot to lose, so thats doubtful. but on a positive note, you only used enough solvent for 4g which shoes the kit makers are using too much solvent. 50% too much. =0)
the tren is looking a little more cloudy now, its actually looking pretty cloudy but me and my freinds have been shooting it with no problem.