Making a DNP solution


New member
This may be a stupid question, but I can't find any info on it. I find it hard to measure it into caps, I am sure my dosing is off. Wondering if you could mix it with a solution and tranfer your dose into a gel cap before you take it?'

If this is possible, what would you use?
Dosing and capping DNP is messy, but it is relatively easy.

Get a size 00 cap-m-kwik. (after using it for DNP you will not be able to cap anything else with it) Fill it with empty capsule halves.

Weigh out 10 grams of dry DNP powder.......make sure it is completely dry, or your dosing will be off.
Then weigh out 10 grams of cornstarch.
Mix the DNP powder, and cornstarch together. Make sure to break up all the clumps.
I like to force my DNP cornstarch mixture through one of those really small metal strainers (you can get one at any super market, or dept. store) that way I know all the clumps are broken up. Then put the powder into a container that has a tight sealing lid. Shake the powder for a while to get it well mixed. Then dump it into your cap-m-kwik, and level it into the capsules. You have to pack them really good to get all the powder into them, but it does all fit.(it helps if you get one of those cap-m-kwik tampers) Then put the top halves on the caps, and then take each capsule and compress it tightly by hand, and wipe it with a paper towel. This will give you 50 capsules at 200mg each.

OH........I guess I should add that you need to wear two layers of rubber gloves, or your hands will get stained bright yellow, and it doesn't wash off. The stuff will go through the first pair of rubber gloves, so you need to wear two pairs.
Also, don't do this in your kitchen, because it is easy to get everything in the immediate area stained yellow.
Ya, I've capped before and it was a bitch. Did wash out of my clothes though. I just figured with a solution dosing would be very accurate and mixing would be mess free. I probably will cap though.
If you are going the route of dissolving and measuring volume for dosing, forget the caps.. You probably couldn't keep them for more than a day anyway before they start to melt.

DNP isn't very soluble in water, but if you buy the highest proof alcohol you can find, you could probably dissolve 200mg or so per mL.

Start by weighing out 2g and adding the smallest volume of alcohol to dissolve it. DONT heat it. You can then dilute this (with more alcohol) to a grand total of 10mL using a syringe to measure. You will end up with 200mg/mL..

Don't be surprised if it seems a bit more potent.. almost like crystal DNP. It would be interesting to hear if it is.. I once theorized that crystal DNP is so much more potent because it dissolves readily in water, probably increasing bioavailability.

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I would only put them in caps as I was taking them, obviously the moisture would dissolve it. I don't think you could just swallow it, would burn too much. I am just a little concerned because I don't want to be a lab rat for dnp.
Alright, well I mixed 8g of dnp with 2ml of Ba, 2 ml of BB and 30 ml of water to get 200mg/ml. It dissolved almost instantly with the Ba/BB the I just put in water and shook the shit out of it. It is like yellow test suspension. I emptied two caps of ALA (I know, I'm gonna buy just empty caps tonight) and put .5ml in each one. Worked like a charm, and isn't messy at all. Only problem is I ate a high carb meaal a few hours later and didn't get warm at all. Although I have chamged from my last cycle of 600mg to now trying a go with 200mg which is probably the diff.
Just an update, I am on day 6 and it's working great. No damn mess from the powder and capping is great. Dosing is easy as hell and the effectiveness seems to be the same. I havn't been using caps anymore either when I take it. Just pouring the 2-3mls of solution in one of those little bathroom cups and add 30ml of koolaid (sugar free) and take it like a shot. Drinking a full glass of the juice imediately after. Doesn't burn my throat at all, and I have had caps burn my throat. Also have lost an inch on my waist, finally turned this damn four pack into a six pack.
i wonder if just adding it too everclear would work. if its soluable in water the ba, bb would not be necessarry. dnp is a interesting compound.
The part that wasn't really dissolved by the BA/BB (only because I didn't shake it) was kinda a bitch to get into solution with the water added. I doubt it would mix well without it. Everclear would probably be fine, it's was just that I hate the taste of hard liquor and dnp is bad itself so I didn't feel like mixing them. But trying to put them in caps even with the liquid each time you go to take them was a bit of a pain too. Mixing it with juice and taking how I have been seems to be the trick. Also, I added some BA with the BB so that it wouldn't go bad. I won't be using it all in one run.
started the first day at 200mg, then 400mg and now at 600mg. In the past I have ran 800mg, but since I experimented with the water thing I wanted to play it safe. Also, I was fairly lean ~12% whenh I started.
I usually run it for a week. I am going to start another go tomorrow as long as I can handle 400mg a day. It doesn't get me too hot at that dose but my workout are sub-par. I am around 10% right now and would like to see how low I can get. This is what I find dnp great for, those last few lbs. I would have to diet for a while and lose too much strength to get to 7 or 8 percent.
Anybody else try making this solution? I know it's not the most assuring thing to "experiment" with dnp, but I have found this to take so much hassle away from it.

On another note, the reason I am running two back to back courses of this is because I have a month of from work and I hate sweating in excess at work so this is the only time I can run it. First time I touched it in over a year. I can't take clen either, stimulents really fuck with me.
DL, I am thinking about it... i have DNP. 8g of DNP with 2ml of BA, 2 ml of BB (shake well), followed by mixing with 30 ml of water to get 200mg/ml. This is my first try. I was thinking about going conservative, 200mg/day for 7 days just to test my tolerance. Thoughts anyone?