Making Sustanon from powder

why would you make it? just make some prop and enan seperate. then mix in the syringe or inject seperately. sus is four different esters (powders) mixed.
pullinbig said:
why would you make it? just make some prop and enan seperate. then mix in the syringe or inject seperately. sus is four different esters (powders) mixed.

No shit. PB, have you ever even seen Isocaproate on a powder price list?
yes on the isocaproate, some powder suppliers seem to carry the ingredients for sust solely for that purpose. I'm not a fan of blended esters by any means, but sust is the worst of them all. I just can't see why anyone would put that together when they had access to powder and could make any blend at any ratio they desired. You could make a blend that truly could be injected once a week, month or whatever. I do think bd's tri-tren is one of the better novelty blend though. But you are still stuck in the same dilemna as sust. You're basically stuck injecting at the frequency required for the shortest ester in the blend, unless you want to disregard treat like a long ester. That's where the problem lies IMO, if your shooting so often, why not just use a short ester. And if your shooting like it's a long ester, why not just use that and not the let the shorter ester cause blood level fluctuations unnecesarily? Just one of gear's great mysteries I suppose. In the end I can find no reason other than the novelty factor, or brand recognition why anyone like these blends. Kind of like how some people have to pay 100$ for a pair of designer jeans when you can get 4 pairs of the same quality without the label:).
Yeah my guy I order my powders from has all 4 of the different powders and I have a ton of people ask for it. But I just don't see it being worth the time of converting and calculating each of the 4 to make the correct mg/blend. I honestly think that it's just the name recognition.