Making the Swap-24 Hour to MetroFlex


New member
So I've been looking for a hard core gym in my area to really try and take my training to the next level, and feel comfortable doing so. And I've found the one I want, I don't care what my wife says, MetroFlex Gym is it. Dude this place is a monster......full of well, monsters. I doubt they have childcare services, lol, but I don't care. This place is legit, and it's about to be my new 3rd home.

So any etiquette advice for someone whose never trained in a hard core gym?
On the first day in the yard, start a fight with the biggest guy there. You might get your ass kicked, but you will earn respect. Guys won't mess with you after that.
The squat rack has the same rules as the Thunderdome if two men attempt to use it at the same time.

Two men enter, one man leave.

There really isn't a difference. Just don't be a douche, and you'll be fine. :)
Other guys will appreciate it if you watch yourself pose in the mirrors. It looks good too if you kiss your biceps at the top of each curl. When you talk about your biceps call them "guns".
Don't forget to yell "bulo" "get that shit" and always say "fuck over training" make sure you get a bunch of tattoos before you join
The squat rack has the same rules as the Thunderdome if two men attempt to use it at the same time.

Two men enter, one man leave.

There really isn't a difference. Just don't be a douche, and you'll be fine. :)

Speaking of Mad Max how about that Nathan Jones:uzi:
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the feedback. I can't wait to get in there and put these principle to use, I've always wanted to get my ass kicked by a bodybuilder as I'm getting thrown out of the gym and into a cop car. Can't wait for these new gains...of lawyer fees and black eyes. Lol
Ask the biggest guy there if he will do donkey calf raises with you and ask him if he wants to be on top or on bottom.
Best of Luck to you LOL
j/k of course, you will be fine just dont be a douche