Making Tren Ace + Test Prop....


Delectable Injectables
First time brewing so sorry for the newb questions, just want to double check that these direcs are good to go. I read that some suggest adding BB to the Tren Ace? Should I add it or mix as below. If I need to add BB to the Tren Ace how much should I be using of each for mixing 5g? (oil, BA, BB).

Thanks in advance.

5 grams Tren Ace

> 43.75 ml sesame oil
> 2.5 ml benzyl alcohol = 5%
> Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
>18 or 20 gauge needles
> mixing Vial
> sterile vial
> whatman sterile filter

1. Weigh out 5 grams of powder.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA to the vial.
4. Add 41.75ml sesame oil to mixing vial with BA + powder, save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture till fully disolved. (Would I be able to take the mixing vial and place it in heated water in a pan, near boiling? The other direcs say to just set the mixing vial on a frying pan until mixed but would that burn it at all?)
7. Place a 18 or 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial. Attach whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe from mixing vial, run though whatman filter into sterile vial.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through whatman filter into sterile vial.

50 ml @ 100mg/ml

5 grams Test Prop powder
> 36.25 ml sesame oil
> 2.5ml benzyl alcohol = 5%
> 7.5ml benzyl benzoate =15%
> Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
> 18 or 20 gauge needles
> mixing Vial
> sterile vial
> whatman sterile filter

1. Weigh out 5 grams of powder.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA & BB to the vial.
4. Add 35.25ml oil to mixing vial, save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture until disolved
7. Place a 18 or 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial. Attach whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe from mixing vial, run though whatman filter into sterile vial.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through whatman into solution into sterile vial.

50 ml @ 100mg/ml
First question, are you making your tren from pellets or powder? We recent had a guy use the above recipe for powder, except that he had the pellets, so he didn't have too much luck.
I'd use 10%BB with the TrenA if you're going for 100mg/ml, then you could drop the BA to 2%. Edit: It will probably work with the receipe you have but I believe adding the BB will give you some extra insurance that it won't crash.
So that'd be 5ml BB + 2ml BA in the Tren Ace Doc? How would that effect the amount of oil used. Just subtract the adjusted amounts from the oil? So I'd be using 39.25 total of oil, instead of 43.75ml?

Sorry for the stupid questions, I just rather ask and be 100% sure.
  • take beaker with 50mL accurately marked
  • Add tren
  • Add 5mL BB
  • Add 1mL BA
  • Fill oil until 50mL mark
  • Heat, stir, watch, do not leave
  • Let cool a bit after all swirls are gone
  • Filter
  • Inject
  • cough up a lung
mranak said:
  • take beaker with 50mL accurately marked
  • Add tren
  • Add 5mL BB
  • Add 1mL BA
  • Fill oil until 50mL mark
  • Heat, stir, watch, do not leave
  • Let cool a bit after all swirls are gone
  • Filter
  • Inject
  • cough up a lung

Thanks for the help Mranak, I'll go with the 2/10% ratio for the ace and prop.

As for the cough up a lung deal I'm thinking of doing some first hand research on whether a rescue inhaler would provide immediate relief of Tren cough. I've had it a few times before, most times serious to the point I thought I was gonna die, so I know when its coming and if I've had it. Only set back at this point is A) I don't have asthma and can't get an inhaler B) not sure of the different inhalers and which would be most likely to relieve symptoms.
A-10 said:
Thanks for the help Mranak, I'll go with the 2/10% ratio for the ace and prop.

As for the cough up a lung deal I'm thinking of doing some first hand research on whether a rescue inhaler would provide immediate relief of Tren cough. I've had it a few times before, most times serious to the point I thought I was gonna die, so I know when its coming and if I've had it. Only set back at this point is A) I don't have asthma and can't get an inhaler B) not sure of the different inhalers and which would be most likely to relieve symptoms.

The Tren isn't necessarily causing a constriction of the bronchial vessels like you would experience with asthma, what is happening is its getting in the bloodstream and somehow causing us to cough like we are going to die. The body rejects it and wants it out. I may be wrong, but i don't think the inhaler would do anything except make you cough more fluidly. lol

let us know how/if it works though.
Thanks for the info RJ. I'm hoping it may provide some relief, the worse part for me personally is it feels like someone is squeezing my esophogus shut.

Has it been narrowed down to what exactly causes the cough? I've found that the more steady my hand is the less of a chance I have of getting it. Which leads me to believe that the times I've gotten it I've gone through a vein and the slight movement of my hand has caused some of it to leak into a vein.

Typing this post I'm wondering if similar treatment for tren cough as people allergic to bee stings use would be successful, like an epipen.

From Wiki:

"Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening medical emergency because of rapid constriction of the airway, often within minutes of onset. Calling for help immediately is important, as brain damage occurs rapidly without oxygen. Anaphylactic shock requires advanced medical care immediately; but other first aid measures include rescue breathing (part of CPR) and administration of epinephrine. Rescue breathing may be hindered by the constricted airways but can help if the victim stops breathing on their own. If the patient has previously been diagnosed with anaphylaxis, they may be carrying an EpiPen (or similar device) for immediate administration of epinephrine (adrenaline) by a layperson to help keep open the airway. Repetitive administration can cause tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and occasionally ventricular tachycardia with heart rates potentially reaching 240 beats per minute, which can also be fatal. This is why some protocols advise Intramuscular injection of only 0.3–0.5mL of a 1:1,000 dilution. The epinephrine will prevent worsening of the airway constriction, and may be life-saving.

Epinephrine will act on Beta-2 adrenergic receptors in the lung as a powerful bronchodilator relieving allergic or histamine-induced acute asthmatic attack or anaphylaxis. Tachycardia results from stimulation of Beta-1 adrenergic receptors of the heart increasing contractility (ionotropic effect) and frequency (chronotropic effect) and thus cardiac output."

Possibly a minute amount of epinephrine or a derivative of it along with the trenbolone could alleviate or protect someone against the cough?

I'll prob get flamed for typing that but I just thought of it now and it seemed like a good proposal. Obviously the epi would have to be remixed to a lesser concentration since shooting 10-30mcg is the recommended dose.

But still, a slin pin could be kept in case of emergency with a low dose and administered on the onset of symptoms. I usually have a good 30 seconds before it kicks in full bulldog.

Sorry for the rambling.
A-10 said:
Thanks for the info RJ. I'm hoping it may provide some relief, the worse part for me personally is it feels like someone is squeezing my esophogus shut.

Has it been narrowed down to what exactly causes the cough? I've found that the more steady my hand is the less of a chance I have of getting it. Which leads me to believe that the times I've gotten it I've gone through a vein and the slight movement of my hand has caused some of it to leak into a vein.

Typing this post I'm wondering if similar treatment for tren cough as people allergic to bee stings use would be successful, like an epipen.

From Wiki:

"Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening medical emergency because of rapid constriction of the airway, often within minutes of onset. Calling for help immediately is important, as brain damage occurs rapidly without oxygen. Anaphylactic shock requires advanced medical care immediately; but other first aid measures include rescue breathing (part of CPR) and administration of epinephrine. Rescue breathing may be hindered by the constricted airways but can help if the victim stops breathing on their own. If the patient has previously been diagnosed with anaphylaxis, they may be carrying an EpiPen (or similar device) for immediate administration of epinephrine (adrenaline) by a layperson to help keep open the airway. Repetitive administration can cause tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and occasionally ventricular tachycardia with heart rates potentially reaching 240 beats per minute, which can also be fatal. This is why some protocols advise Intramuscular injection of only 0.3–0.5mL of a 1:1,000 dilution. The epinephrine will prevent worsening of the airway constriction, and may be life-saving.

Epinephrine will act on Beta-2 adrenergic receptors in the lung as a powerful bronchodilator relieving allergic or histamine-induced acute asthmatic attack or anaphylaxis. Tachycardia results from stimulation of Beta-1 adrenergic receptors of the heart increasing contractility (ionotropic effect) and frequency (chronotropic effect) and thus cardiac output."

Possibly a minute amount of epinephrine or a derivative of it along with the trenbolone could alleviate or protect someone against the cough?

I'll prob get flamed for typing that but I just thought of it now and it seemed like a good proposal. Obviously the epi would have to be remixed to a lesser concentration since shooting 10-30mcg is the recommended dose.

But still, a slin pin could be kept in case of emergency with a low dose and administered on the onset of symptoms. I usually have a good 30 seconds before it kicks in full bulldog.

Sorry for the rambling.

no problem.

I am not sureof the scientific reason for it happening, but i am pretty sure it has to do with getting some in the bloodstream via hitting a nerve while injecting.

The only real bad time I have gotten it was with Tren Ace... which is why I use only Tren Enan. But i tell everyone to start out with Ace, which is what I did, so it could happen if you take that approach.

Honestly... the cough was rough as hell, but it did go away after a couple minutes.
I do have asthma, and I've been concerned that tren cough might actually trigger an asthma attack. Put the two together and I'm concerned.

I've only done a single tren (it was enan) injection and I really only did it to get that first tren injection out of the way and see if I happened to get the cough. I did use a fast acting bronchiodialator prior to inject as a it-doesn't-hurt precaution; using such an inhaler before an attack is actually better than during the attack. But nothing happened, despite the fact that I was shaking a bit due to anticipation.

I'm fairly confident that tren cough occurs simply when the tren hits the bloodstream. But I disagree that you have to hit/go through a vein for this to happen. I believe a simple capillary (which is really a microscopic blood vessel) is probably sufficient based on the commonality of tren cough. This would certainly explain things, anyway.

Maybe we should kidnap Aboot and observe his injection technique: he's never had tren cough.
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tren cough

I think the Tren cough has to do with an allergy to Tren. I inject 120 -150mls of 100mg/ml Tren ED and i have never had Tren cough. I don't asp when I inject so I know I've hit vein before.
As for the question about heating tren on the burner. Don't place it directly in the pan or burner. The technique I use is to hold the vial containing the mixture with a pair of tongs slightly submerged in boiling water and swiling, BUT you must have a cap on the vial or else water will condense inside your mixture.
You will get quick noticable results from a good mix of tren. Actually I use finaplix-h pellets and I love it.
mustanged77 said:
I think the Tren cough has to do with an allergy to Tren. I inject 120 -150mls of 100mg/ml Tren ED and i have never had Tren cough. I don't asp when I inject so I know I've hit vein before.
As for the question about heating tren on the burner. Don't place it directly in the pan or burner. The technique I use is to hold the vial containing the mixture with a pair of tongs slightly submerged in boiling water and swiling, BUT you must have a cap on the vial or else water will condense inside your mixture.
You will get quick noticable results from a good mix of tren. Actually I use finaplix-h pellets and I love it.

I dont see how it'd be an allergy as I get it sporadically. The ONLY times I've ever gotten it were quad shots. Everywhere else was no problem at all. Sometimes when injecting tren into my quad I'd even aspirate slightly midinject just to make sure I hadn't shifted into a vein accidentally and then .25ccs later got it so I'm at a loss.

Heating in a frying pan worked well for me. Mid brewing during my tren I had a surprise visit from some people and ended up taking my beaker and heating it from a distance with a blow torch on low low heat, lol. Which btw worked beautiful, much much faster than the stove.

Why don't you aspirate? For the .3 seconds it takes I don't see much of a reason not to. Granted I've only drawn blood once but still it only takes once.