Making your own P-GH


New member
I have GABA powder and Bacteriostatic water and would like to make it an injectible, similar to P-GH. ok im new here but not new to the game. I've been reading so much about P-GH here that i am interested in it. I have also been reading about how to make gear from powders. At first i was just gonna shoot the bs water into a vial of gaba, shake, and shoot it. Then i kicked myself in the ass and remembered sterility. I used to microwave gear (Animal's instructions) to sterilize it so i was gonna microwave it before shooting but i was worried about destroying the gaba. Anyone have any info on how one would make the GABA powder into an injectible with bs water? (GABA powder + BS water is MUCH cheaper than P-GH and i dont care about the other ingredients in it) It dissolves rather easily, like Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I just wanna know the best way to make it sterile without ruining it. Would running the mix through a whatman filter be enough? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The GABA in p-gh has been modified to defeat the blood brain barrier. You won't see the same results at all with gaba and bac water. And heat will fuck up gaba.
deadlift, thanks for the input. i know the gaba's are different but i would still like to successfully do this experiment since i have materials on hand collecting dust. i was worried about heat destroying the gaba so i think im just gonna run it through a whatman filter. this should be ok to shoot im then right?
I would use a .2 filter instead of a .45 since you can't heat it. On the other note, I made some home brew once and took a shot after I filtered it, before I baked it and got no infection. But ya, try a .2 instead, you should be fine. Let me know how it goes.