Male Enhancement


New member
This is one area i was alwys curious about but never had the balls to ask. Are there pills or actual devices that lenghthen or thicken your penis. There so many advertisments out there its become rather annoying. Now ive experienced some elephanttitus using hgh along side other gear.(so my wife tells me)but always been curious about other peoples experiences. Thanks for the feedback.
pills don't work...don't waste your money...I've researched this subject also...the only thing that's proven to work is constant stretching...there's a device called "fastsize" If you check out there website, there's a forum in there...people say they have grown 1-2 inches, but it takes months, and you have to wear the device for 2-3 hours a day...can be a little uncomfortable after a while...but if you can put on 2 inches, it's worth it. There's also an exercise called "jelqing." It's supposed to add girth.
I just tie a fucking 10lb weight on and let it hang:bigok:
I imagine at age 80 it'll be all fucked up. Ahhhhh...I aint livin to 80 :)
There is no such thing as a pill to make you bigger.

And speaking as a women, bigger isn't really better anyway.
best results can be found at E. Douglas Whitehead, M.D., F.A.C.S. - penis enlargement, penile girth enhancement, genital penis widening and lengthening, cosmetic phalloplasty, surgery for men

Dr. Whitehead specializes in male genital surgery. Approximately 95% of his practice involves penis enlargement surgery (phalloplasty). Phalloplasty surgery encompasses penis lengthening surgery, penis widening surgery and glanular enhancement. Other genital remodelling procedures are: correction of penoscrotal webbing (turkey neck) and reduction of infrapubic and suprapubic fat pad.