maltodextrin/Dextrose examples...


New member
Can someone please give me some examples of an inexpensive way to get my Carbs for my PWO meal? I currently drink about 55g of Whey and would like to just include the carbs into my shake if possible.

Thanks for any info.
1. the link in my sig. they sell dextrose, malto, and within the month will be selling waxy maize starch (the same thing as vitargo, but much cheaper)
2. smarties = dextrose
3. organic grape juice
4. whole foods work as well. rice, potatoes, bagels, pasta.
so 50g worth of smarties and 50g worth of a bagel and I will have completed the carb aspect of my PWO meal?
thatd work fine. I prefer powders PWO for ease of digestability, but it probably doesnt make a significant difference. bagels are fine.

its not that big of a deal, but im assimung you mean 50g of carbs from a bagel, correct? 50g of bagel would only be about 25g of carbs.
You can get a bag of Dextrose for a few bucks. Just mix that with some whey....tastes fine to me.
gumbo said:
You can get a bag of Dextrose for a few bucks. Just mix that with some whey....tastes fine to me.

That is exactly what i do. Its like 3 bucks for a bag that lasts for a while. I get mine at a place here called the Sunspot. But it is made by "NOW." Very inexpensive and last some time as well.