March Pharmaceuticals - Danabol DS


New member
Just ordered 500 tabs of Danabol DS 10mg blue hearts by March Pharmaceuticals. Just wondering if they look legit, they don't crumble when I press them. Didn't come in the bottle just packaged up in a plastic bag.
First I want to apologize for making this my first post on this board.

Years ago I used to receive March Pharmaceuticals and I used the pinks, blues and oils. Back then they were good. The source also provided bonus freebies if you purchased at least a certain amount.

That source I used closed shop a long time ago and I haven't been able to get March products in years. So if you got the real thing you should be happy and have about an extra 20 pounds of muscle on you by now.

March pharmaceuticals no longer exsist so will be bunk but maybe still g2g can get these from Asia with good results but are not genuine march pharma
Alot of people copy the blue heart design and claim march pharm cause its well known but they are not march but still end up being really good powerfull dbol nonetheless. Raw powder is cheap for methandione.