March Sale!!

'Ology Members,

First, we would like to thank everyone for the continued support this board gives.

We have the following on sale for the rest of the March:

Melanotan II- $24.95 -COA/HPLC available!!
HGH Fragment 176-191- $23.95 -COA/HPLC available!
Mod GRF (1-29)- $24.95

All loyalty and free shipping coupons still apply!

We have also received COA/HPLCs on this batch of IGF-1 LR3
how long will you be running the melanotan 2 for that price??
I need to make an order but I will need a little bit of time..
How to tell purity?

What is myostatin hmp... and coa???

Great question Landscape,

HPLC stands for High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography. It is a way to identify, quantify and purify the individual components of a sequence.

COA stands for Certificate of Analysis. A certificate of analysis is the documentation that goes with each batch of peptides that is manufactured. This certificate lists the formula for the ingredients as well as the amount of each raw material/ingredient.

More or less, they are used to show the exact purity of the sequence. Let us know if you have any other questions.
I was gonna order some mel II and I need to know how much to get? Also do I need to reconstitute or is it g2g as it comes? These might be ignorant questions but I can't find the answers so help is much appreciated