mashed on my bday

That’s kilo’s. The metric system.

@ inked1: are you German? I bet you are. That girl looks really German. Your sunglasses look German too. I am from Holland. We could talk German and nobody understands it. It’s loads of fun, the Mexicans do it all the time (talking Spanish, not German silly).
Hallo, wie gehts? Wie macht deine Mutter der bratwurst auf dem Grill? Fährts du auch so eine überaffentittengeile BMW? Toll! klasse! Knallhart abspritzen mit mein hammerhartes Rohr.
Ich kann deutsch...ohh und bin ich auch ein Amerikaner, arschloch. I can even use the metric system. We're not all dumbasses you know?

Some dutch too if you prefer...

Van Nistelrooy, Edwin Van Der Saar, Robben, Johann Cruyff. I love the Oranjes!:)
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HowardRearden said:
Van Nistelrooy, Edwin Van Der Saar, Robben, Johann Cruyff. I love the Oranjes!:)
22 men in shorts who run after a ball trying to kick it between 3 wooden poles.
I hate soccer. Why didn’t you say names like Rob Kaman, Sem ‘Semmy’ Schilt, Ramon Dekker. That would have impressed me more. :D
And I hate the Oranjes even more. Long live the Republic!

Was mich mehr intersiert, wie so sprechts du Deutsch? Das ist nicht wirklich ein Sprache die man oft gebrauchen kan in ein land wie America. Es hört sich so interresant an in ein fremdsprache zu reden. Und est ist bestimmt sehrr nervig für alle andere auf dieses Forum haha. Was auch nervig ist, is das der gramaticcontrol für Deutsch nicht funktioniert. Es gibt bestimt viele fehler, aber warscheinlich bist du die einige die das überhaupt sieht. :D

En we kunnen ook Nederlands lullen, maar ik betwijfel of jij zo’n onbeduidend taaltje als Nederlands kent. Waarom ook?

@ Inked1: Australia. I am scared of Australia. In Australia even the sea snails are poisonous. In Australia there are small spiders who’s bite let you experience complete new dimension of pain.
Australia has a very lively thaiboxing scene. That is a good thing. I love John Wayne Parr’s fighting style, very traditional.
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Lauw said:
@ Inked1: Australia. I am scared of Australia. In Australia even the sea snails are poisonous. In Australia there are small spiders who’s bite let you experience complete new dimension of pain.
Australia has a very lively thaiboxing scene. That is a good thing. I love John Wayne Parr’s fighting style, very traditional.

haha yeah and we all ride kangaroos and wrestle crocodiles.

JWP is pretty popular here at the moment too. there are a lot of really good aussie guys on the K1 circuit too. do you train muay thai
inked1 said:
haha yeah and we all ride kangaroos and wrestle crocodiles.

JWP is pretty popular here at the moment too. there are a lot of really good aussie guys on the K1 circuit too. do you train muay thai
Yeah, Australia has some very good trainers and lots of good thaiboxers. JWP is at this moment one of the best fighters in his weightclass (not Australia, in the entire world!).
I trained thaiboxing for three years and I’m starting in February again (gives me a month to prepare for it, I definitely need to get my stamina up). It is very satisfying to put your fist in a grown man’s face and see him suffer :D nah just kidding about that.
Maybe my post was a little bit exaggerated, but you have to admit that Australia has some freaky little creatures crawling around. The platypus for example. A beaver with a Duck face and a poisonous sting under its beaver tail. What the fuck is that all about, it freaks me out.
Lauw said:
A beaver with a Duck face and a poisonous sting under its beaver tail. What the fuck is that all about, it freaks me out.

Lauw: hahhaa, You mind if I use that and call it my own?

inked1: Lookin' huge. Guess the croc wrestlin' builds 'em big down there eh? I knew you weren't German, I thought that looked like a Foster's sittin on the table :)
RPJ i'm 6ft

Lauw: the platypus is a weird creature but unfortunately you don't see many of them. I guess there are a few strange species here. Its an awesome place to live, you should check it out sometime
You must be 3' tall if you only weigh 118 in those pics. Did you mean 218? You look great.