Mass Gainer shakes: Best products, highest calories, protein?


New member
I am on another multiple AAS mass stack which is VERY calorie dependent. What is the best mass gainers on the market as far as highest calorie and protein content? I also think that BCAA and vitamin profile is a must. I am curious as to the opinions and experiences of other people in mass cycles to what is the best products available. Thank you for any insight.
I can't afford high calorie shakes anymore but GNC's amplified mass xxx was a good one imo. Had creatine in it and was around 800 calories...near 1000 with milk and tasted so good. Also very low sugar.
I can't afford high calorie shakes anymore but GNC's amplified mass xxx was a good one imo. Had creatine in it and was around 800 calories...near 1000 with milk and tasted so good. Also very low sugar.

That's a good one, its relatively cheap too compared to some. I have to add a mass gainer or my grocery bill will be 300 buck a week! Lol. I figured I would ask the opinion of others. It's better than misleading advertisements.
I have been using inner armour mass gainer...1250 calories...doesn't taste bad and got it from 15lb jug
inner armour is cheap and good. universal makes a decent mass gainer. n2bulk is probably the best tasting.