Mast P/Colestabol Ace Blend--Need Help

josey wales

New member
Tried to make Mast P/Colestabol Ace blend at 50mg/100mg per ml, respectively. I could not get the powder to dissolve into the solution even at 5% BA and 30% BB. I was heating and adding extra solvent for ions. Finally, I figured I'd better quit before all the heat FUBARED the hormones.

At that point, I decided to make some Mast P at 100mg/ml by itself. It went into solution at 2% BA and 20% without a hitch. I also then made some 1-T Cyp at 3% BA and 30% BB without any problems. Neither of these two solutions crashed or are painful whatsoever.

Still, now I have this cloudy mixed solution of Mast P and Colestabol Ace that I don't know how to fix. Any ideas as to how to salvage it? Sitting over night the solution separated with the cloudy part settling to the bottom and the clear part sitting on top. I'd hate to waste it. Any ideas?
have you made clostebol by itself before?

i don't have a solution for you, but always recommend making each hormone individualy, then combining them later to avoid issues such as this.

sorry bro