masteron prop same pip as test prop?


card counting specialist
Fellas. I have access to masteron from a local guy, I've never used it before so I want to try it for my next cycle. The label on the bottle says its 150mg. And when I asked if it was prop or enanthate he says he doesn't know but he shoots it EOD anyway. So if the PIP from mast prop is like test prop I would easily tell the difference. Usually the enanthate version is 200 and prop 100, so 150 is throwing me a curve.
Very hard to judge like that man ... is it the same brand u always used ? lots of things can effect pip including dose , preservatives even injection technique ... pip is ahard way to judge the ester .... id say ur better of 1 feeling it out , and 2 maybe bloodwork if its accessiable ?
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More PIP than enanthate, but as darkwing mentioned - lab often determines this. That said, test prop is not one of my favorites, and I do prefer mast enanthate.
More PIP than enanthate, but as darkwing mentioned - lab often determines this. That said, test prop is not one of my favorites, and I do prefer mast enanthate.

I prefer Mast Enanthate as well. Much most cost effective. Oh Masteron, such a sweet compound.
I would much rather have enenthate too. Prop of any brand cripples me. It's the same ugl I used for my last cycle so I know their test-E and deca are g2g.
Assuming it's prop I can safely go MWF for 450mg , and even if it's enanthate well that just means I did more injections than necessary and still get 450mg/week.
Can't you just contact the UGL and ask if they sell mast e dosed at 150mg/10ml. And if they say yes then assume that is what you have
I have no contact information for them. I've tried web searches and forum searches but nothing comes up. I posted a pic of their test/deca in the pics forum last year but No one recognized the label or had any feedback.
:) it is fantasic stuff, ive ran it 3 times now.

As far as your original question jack, I havent noticed any difference in PIP between Mast P and E. Of course this is going to vary from lab to lab though. The only PIP ive ever had a problem with is Test Prop or anything containing Test Prop.
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150mg...yeah you could go either way with that. If you can't get an answer on this just go with the m-w-f protocol. I've divided many long weekly doses of a long ester to match a short ester eod rotation, no biggie. Even tho mast doesn't hit you as hard as something like tren if you are an experinced user like you seem to be you should have a genral idea which ester your running within a few weeks into the cycle.
I'll do it that way. I do have experience with many compounds, but never had the opportunity to try masteron. Maybe I'll log it here when I get everything together.
I've never had good luck with prop of any kind. Test that is. Sustanon was by far the worst. So I'm hoping mast prop is a little smoother. If not I'll have to cut it.