Masturbation effect on workout


New member
Guys , wht if a person masturbate twice a week , having skinny body , which is the best supplement to over cum or recovering from the masturbation thing? i know many will say shut up there is nothing with masturbation, but is it effecting the build, like i feel sunken face, effect on legs and chest, i feel that i lost the pumps and ppl also say the other day that the glow on face is gone so masturbation cannot be stopped now what food or supplement type like amino etc can help in recovering.
I am male , 32
Do you know the common answer for a person who has been drinking and gets pulled over when asked how many drinks have you had? 2, even though they really had 4-6, so you say twice a week masturbation is affecting you? So how many times do you really??

I have sex with my wife 3x that a week, and does not affect me...except in a good bit regarding my workouts, skin, or body is in your head, the one on your shoulders ;).
Everyone is different. I can bang it out all day with my girl and still have enough energy for the gym. I've also heard of similar situations where people feel tired afterwards. It's a body chemistry thing.
I wack it 1 to 4 times a day and have sex with my girl probably 5-10 times a week. I wouldn't even think about its affect on my workout. Think about your diet and training. This isn't something you should be worrying about.
certainly not before the gym bro..but if u wack it after the gym that mean your workout was half ass :agreed::agreed:
Yea bro I only find that not choking the chicken or banging for a bout 3 hours before the gym. Or I don't have as much motivation. More like sleep mode. but I don't think it fucks with my recovery
I workout at night and my wife always wants to have sex before i go to the gym and i can def. tell a difference. I would have to take another scoop of c4 to get my energy back up.