Maximum solubility of Test E in oil (without ba/bb)?


New member
Hey guys

Does anyone know the maximum solubility of Test E in oil (without ba/bb)?

What about other hormones such as Tren Acetate, Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate), Drostanolone, etc.?

I guess what I'm looking for is a list of physical properties for these hormones. Anyone has any idea where I can find such list? (I've Googled but found nothing about maximum solubility in oil)
Hey keith, thanks for the reply. And as you said, for Test E, I noticed it's easier to dissolve than the other hormones.

What I want to do, though, is to not use ba/bb in all of my brew, because I have had horrible pain from UGL gears, and I have reasons to believe they were the cause. (Long story, so won't go into details unless asked.)

In addition, I have read research articles where ba/bb are relatively toxic in high doses in some animals, and I just want to be safe than sorry. :D
hey bro, i get where your coming from. i read that info about bb & EO that u posted up & i wanna use as few additives as possible as well. when i used some mex gear i had some horrible flu like symptoms after each and every shot for like 2 days afterwards. my joints where painful & tender & sometimes got fever too. the only way i was able to get thru my cycle was dropping 600-1000mg ibuprofen a day & also deca helped too.. now this was human grade stuff from mexican pharmacy. im not sure if they use bb or EO down there but it was some nasty stuff to inject pip made me sore as hell too, had to split up 1cc into 3 or 4 sites or it would knot up real bad
hey bro, i get where your coming from. i read that info about bb & EO that u posted up & i wanna use as few additives as possible as well. when i used some mex gear i had some horrible flu like symptoms after each and every shot for like 2 days afterwards. my joints where painful & tender & sometimes got fever too.

Hey zyphyr, sounds like I have very similar symptoms when using UGL gears.
The sore joints and aching tendons were most disruptive to my workout from my experience.

the only way i was able to get thru my cycle was dropping 600-1000mg ibuprofen a day & also deca helped too.. now this was human grade stuff from mexican pharmacy.

Wow, that's a lot of pain killers to take. Personally, I prefer not to stress my liver with taking oral meds. I once knew a guy who was doing cycles that stung him so much, he said he was on vicodin!

im not sure if they use bb or EO down there but it was some nasty stuff to inject pip made me sore as hell too, had to split up 1cc into 3 or 4 sites or it would knot up real bad

Sounds exactly like my experience with GP Test Prop 100 a year ago. 1cc gave me so much pain, I couldn't sleep that same night I injected.

By the way, last night, I did my first shot of my own Test Prop 100mg/ml, no ba/bb. 1cc. Absolutely no pain, no flu symptoms whatsoever! A lot of people say "Prop hurts" - I call bullshit. I did it last night, NO PAIN AT ALL! I'm now at around 12 hours post injection, and I don't have that "knot" in my butt!