Mdrol/Epi stack


New member
I am thinking about doing a Mdrol/Epi stack, i know two orals is bad but Epi is pretty mild so I figure it would work out alright, I have read some people doing this and wondered how I should stack it together, I was going to run 3 weeks of Mdrol at 10/20/20 but im not sure how I should run the Epi alongside it, should i start it before the Mdrol or continue the Epi after and then go into my post cycle therapy (pct)? Which will be Nolva, 20/20/20, then another week if i need it. Thanks for the advice, I have done a few mdrol cycles before by the way. I am 5' 11 176, looking to gain mass and then cut up. But ultimate goal is to gain around 10 pounds or so and be cut, get stronger of course too. Also does anyone think I will need to run a test boost during my post cycle therapy (pct)? Such as inhibit-e or something else? I know i will be shut down pretty hard after this.
Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I ran mdrol before and it shut me down hard for just a 4 week cycle. I kept about 6-7lbs though, just running nolva for pct.