Mdrol, what's your take on it?

Can't seem to find much of anything solid on this, anyone have any opinions of it?

a lean bulker that gives good strength gains while not being rough on your liver good for someone just starting out or a vet who wants to lean bulk while getting stronger
alot of good info on it over at muscle research forum and the mr supps website
Was gonna say this is superdrol because in the past SD has been called Mdrol and Mstane but it is not superdrol. It's over at MR. Supps. It's good for a beginner and as a stacker
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I believe you are referring to the compound methylstenbolone. It's really good as far as prohormones go, although be sure to always have a serm for pct and some legit liver support, something with tudca in it, not just milk thistle.